No. 96 (pdf, 476 kB), December

  1. A Vocation, a Task!
    - by Anton Ploeg
  2. Paideuma Volume 65 (2019): Table of Contents of Pacific Pages
  3. Annual NZSA Conference: From the Centre to the Rim: Oceania and the Pacific Lake
  4. Received
  5. New Books
  6. Recent Publications

No. 95 (pdf, 596 kB), September

  1. According to Aboriginal Law ... / Volgens Aboriginal recht ...
    reviewed by Ad Borsboom
  2. Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies, 7(1), 2019: Table of Contents
  3. Received
  4. New Books
  5. Recent Publications

No. 94 (pdf, 475 kB), June

  1. Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies: Call for Papers (2 Special Issues)
  2. Journal of New Zealand and Pacific Studies, 6(2), 2018: Table of Contents
  3. Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities, 37(2/3), 2018: Special Issue: Islands and Films: Table of Contents
  4. Received
  5. New Books
  6. Recent Publications

No. 93 (pdf, 635 kB), March

  1. Paideuma 64, 2018: Table of Contents of Pacific Pages
  2. New Books
  3. Recent Publications