Sara Kinsbergen
Phone: 06-18193833
Postal address: P.O.Box 9104. 6500 HE Nijmegen
Visiting address: Thomas van Aquinostraat 4
For many years, Sara Kinsbergen (1982) studies the role of citizens in sustainable development. Her research focuses in particular on small, scale voluntary development organisations. After completing her PhD study in 2014 (Behind the Pictures: Understanding Private Development Initiatives (pdf, 57 MB)), she continued to explore the (changing) identity, the position, impact and partnerships of these organisations. Her research approach is characterised by a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods and its longitudinal nature.
Per July 1, 2023, Sara is appointed as professor of special appointment at the department of Anthropology and Development studies (CAOS) of the Radboud University. Her chair is titled ‘ The role of citizens in sustainable development’, this is an Endowed Chair funded by Stichting Wilde Ganzen.
Sara is program director of the AMID Young Professional, a unique education program aiming to bridge the gap between academia and practice in the field of international development and to capacitate and stimulate young professionals to act as change agents in this field.
For an impression of her research, check her lecture at Universiteit van Nederland. Her research is discussed in different media (see below).
Sara is a member of the Commission of Development Cooperation of the Advisory Council on International Affairs.\
Key words: Private Development Initiatives – do-it-yourself - sustainability – volunteering - active citizenship – global society
Journal articles:
- Ubels, T.; S., Kinsbergen, S., Tolsma, J. and Koch, D.J (accepted for publication). The Well-Being of Undocumented Immigrants in the Netherlands: Learning about Post-Migration Experiences. The Journal of Migration & Refugee Studies.
- Kinsbergen, S. and Koch, D.J. (2022). The generational status quo explained: Longitudinal case studies of small Dutch NGOs. International Development Planning Review. Ahead of print, 1-28.
- Naus, L. and Kinsbergen, S. (2022). The safe space of transnational friendships of young adults migrating from Essaouira, Morocco. Population, Space and Place. Ahead of print, 1-11.
- Ubels, T.S., Kinsbergen, S., Tolsma, J. and Koch, D.J. 2022. The social outcomes of psychosocial support: A grey literature scoping review. SSM Mental Health, 2, 100074. Doi:
- Kinsbergen, S., Konijn, E., Kuijpers-Heezemans, S., Op 't Hoog, G., Koch, D.-J. and Molthof, M. 2021. Informalisation of international volunteering: A new analytical framework explaining differential impacts of the ‘orphanage tourism’ debate in the Netherlands. Journal of International Development. Doi:
- Kinsbergen, S., Pijnenburg, M., Merlevede, T., Naus, L. and Koch, D.-J. 2021. The Differential Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Small-Scale Development Initiatives, a Cross-Country Comparison. Voluntas. Published: 07 September 2021. 27 pages. DOI:
- Kinsbergen, S. and Molthof, M. (2021). The rise and fall of government support for small-scale voluntary development organisations – and their remarkable resilience. Development Policy Review. First published: 26 April 2021. DOI:
- Kinsbergen, S, Koch, D.-J., Plaisier, C. and Schulpen, L. (2021). Long-Lasting, But Not Transformative: An Ex-post Sustainability Study of Development Interventions of Private Development Initiatives. The European Journal of Development Research. First published: 22 January 2021. DOI:
- Kinsbergen, S. (2019). The legitimacy of Dutch do-it-yourself initiatives in Kwale County, Kenya. Third World Quarterly 40(10), 1850–1868.
- Koch, D.J. and Kinsbergen, S. (2018). Exaggerating unintended effects? Competing narratives on the impact of conflict minerals regulation. Resource Policy, 57, 255-263.
- Kinsbergen, S., Schulpen, L. and Ruben, R. (2017). Understanding the sustainability of Private Development Initiatives. What kind of difference do they make? Forum for Development Studies, 44(2), 223-248.
- Kinsbergen, S. and Schulpen, L. (2013). From Tourist to Development Worker. Private Development Initiatives in the Netherlands. Mondes en développement, 161(1), 49-62.
- Kinsbergen, S. and Tolsma, J. (2013). Explaining monetary donations to international development organisations: A factorial survey approach. Social Science Research, 42(6), 1571-1586.
- Kinsbergen S., Tolsma, J. and Ruiter, S. (2013). Bringing the beneficiary closer: Explanations for volunteering time in Dutch Private Development Initiatives. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 42(1), 59-83.
- Schulpen, L., B. Loman and Kinsbergen, S. (2011). Worse Than Expected? A Comparative Analysis of Donor Proliferation and Aid Fragmentation. Public Administration and Development, 31(5/december), 321-339.
- Haaland, H., Kinsbergen, S., Schulpen, L, and Wallevik, H. (2023). The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations. The Emergence, Positioning and Role of Citizen Aid Actors. Edited volume
- Kinsbergen, S. (2014). Behind the pictures: Understanding private development initiatives. Nijmegen: Radboud University.
Professional publications:
- Kinsbergen, S. (2023). Let’s talk about youth. A study on youth engagement in Kenya. Research Report, Radboud Univeristy.
- Kinsbergen, S; Jansen, L; and Rana, Z. (2023). Different rules, different policies: different identities. A comparative study on Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity in Flanders, France and the Netherlands. Research Report, Radboud University
- Kinsbergen S. (2017). Factsheet Unfold Private Development Initiatives.
- Kinsbergen, S and Plaisier, C (2016). Trust, courage and genuine curiosity: conducting a post-closure sustainability study. Ontrac, January 2016 no 61.
- Kinsbergen, S. en Plaisier, C. (2015). Klein project, groot verschil? Een studie naar de duurzaamheid van ontwikkelingsprojecten medegefinancierd door Wilde Ganzen. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit.
- Kinsbergen, S. en Plaisier, C. (2014). Is small beautiful? A sustainability study of Private Development interventions co-financed by the Wild Geese Foundation. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit.
- Kinsbergen, S. and Tolsma, J. (2014). Klein en vrijwillig of groot en ervaren? Een analyse van de voorkeuren van donateurs. Amsterdam: NCDO.
Book chapters:
- Kinsbergen, S.; Haaland, H.; Schulpen, L. and Wallevik, H. (2023). The Articles of Faith of Citizen Aid actors – between Dreams and Realities. In Haaland, H.; Kinsbergen, S.; Schulpen, L. and Wallevik, H. (Eds). The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations. The Emergence, Positioning and Role of Citizen Aid Actors. Routledge.
- Kinsbergen, S., Koch, D.J. and Troost, J. (2023). The founder-syndrome; explaining the boundaries of financial expansion of Small-Scale Development Initiatives. In Haaland, H.; Kinsbergen, S.; Schulpen, L. and Wallevik, H. (Eds). The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations The Emergence, Positioning and Role of Citizen Aid Actors. Routledge.
- Kinsbergen, S.; Lurvink, A-F. and van Mil. I. (2023). Amical break-up or messy divorce? Understanding sustainable exit strategies of voluntary development organizations. In Haaland, H.; Kinsbergen, S.; Schulpen, L. and Wallevik, H. (Eds). The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations The Emergence, Positioning and Role of Citizen Aid Actors. Routledge
- Kinsbergen, S.; Molthof, M., van der Hoek, L. and Vellinga, A. (2023). Shift the power? Constraints and enablers of more equitable partnerships between non-governmental organizations: The case of Dutch small-scale development initiatives in Uganda and India. In van Wessel, M., Kontinen, T., Bawole and J. N. (Eds.). Reimagining Civil Society Collaborations in Development Starting from the South. Routledge
- Kinsbergen, S. (2014). Over het particulier initiatief en waarom we er (n)iets mee moeten. In: Verwer, S., Schulpen, L. and Ruben, R. (Eds.), Hoe nu verder? 65 jaar Nederlandse ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Arnhem: LM Publishers, pp. 287-292.
- Kinsbergen, S. and Schulpen, L. (2014). Burgers en gemeenten in Internationale Samenwerking. Een Belgisch-Nederlands onderonsje. In: Janssens, B.; Janssens, D. and Verschueren, J. (Eds.) De gemeente en de wereld. Inspiratie voor gemeentelijke ontwikkelingssamenwerking.Brussels: Politeia, pp 42-45.
- Kinsbergen, S. and Schulpen, L. (2014). Burgerbetrokkenheid bij internationale samenwerking. Lessen voor de participatiemaatschappij. In: Nationaal belang in meervoud. Perspectieven op internationale politiek. The Hague: RMO, pp. 96-111.
- Nieuwe vorm van hulp: rijke Nederlanders gaan aapjes kijken. AD, 20 december 2017
- ‘Pak een probleem bij de wortels aan, dan bereik je als stichting veel meer’. OneWorld, February, 2017.
- Ode aan het goede hart. OneWorld, February 2016.
- Klein project op weg naar duurzaam verschil. Vice Versa, March 2015.
- Alleen schooltjes bouwen verbetert de wereld niet. Trouw, 25th February 2015.
- Niet de vis maar de hengel. ZIN, July 2014.
- Met het simpele verhaal graaf je je eigen graf. MyWorld Magazine, March 2014.
- Als burgers zelf de wereld verbeteren. Vice Versa, March 2014.
- Denk na voor je een schooltje neerzet. Volkskrant, 11th February 2014.
- Funfactor zit echte hulp in de weg. VOX, February 2014.
- Wat heb je aan een school als het onderwijs niet deugt?Trouw, 24th January 2014.
- Over de hulp en de strijkstok.Trouw, 10th July 2013.