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Any student who feels that he or she already possesses a sufficient grasp of a particular subject can request a so-called exemption (see EER, article 3.9).

Request forms for exemptions are available from STIP. Filled-out forms can be handed in at STIP reception. Your request should be accompanied by a clear description of the subject you studied and proof of any intermediate exams or examinations taken. Inspection of the textbooks used is required for certain subjects.

The Examining Board is responsible for the granting of exemptions. Any exemption so granted is recorded in Osiris with its accompanying credits and the mark ‘VR’. No number grade is awarded. If your exemption request is approved, you will receive a confirmation e-mail on Osiris. If your request is denied, you will receive written notification from the Examination Board.

Credits earned from an exemption play no role in study grants, binding study advice and distinctions (i.e. ‘cum laude’ and ‘summa cum laude’).