Honours programmes
The Radboud Honours Academy offers special programmes for motivated students who are looking for additional challenges. Psychology students can choose from no less than five programmes:
- Interdisciplinary honours programme 'Crossing borders': for students interested to look beyond their own studies, crossing the boundaries of your Psychology
- Interdisciplinary honours programme 'Global problems': for students who want to delve into one of the global problems of our time such and work together with students from other fields in an international environment
- Honours programme Psychology: this programme offers you the opportunity to explore areas of Psychology you find particularly interesting, in close cooperation with one of our research experts from the Donders or BS institutes.
- Honours programme Health Care: exposes you early in your studies to the various aspects in the practice of healthcare psychologists and challenges you also to study the practice in a critical and scientific way. Dutch is required.
- Honours programme Social Sciences: the emphasis is on the student’s future role as a social scientist in our contemporary knowledge society. You will become familiar with four different perspectives crucial to the various approaches of social science: an individual, group, societal and normative perspective.
Any questions regarding the honours programmes? Please visit the available information meetings in April or contact:
Beyond borders:
Floor Binkhorst, f.binkhorst@ru.nl
Global problems:
Dr. Tim Houwen, t.houwen@honours.ru.nl
Honours programme Psychology or Health Care:
dr. Matthieu Koppen, m.koppen@psych.ru.nl
Honours programme Social Sciences:
prof.dr. J. Bransen, j.bransen@pwo.ru.nl.