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Computation in Neural and Artificial Systems

Specialisation programme Computation and Neural and Artificial Systems for students from cohort 2017 and before

Compulsory courses: look here

Specialisation courses ( 18 EC )

Course code Course name EC
SOW-MKI49 Neural Information Processing Systems 6 (van Gerven)
SOW-MKI40 Cognition and Complexity 6 (van Rooij)
SOW-MKI46 Advanced BCI 6 (Farquhar)
Specialisation electives 18
Restricted electives 6
Free choice electives 6

Final Project

Course code Course name EC


Internship, and
Research Project
SOW-MKI94 Extended Research Project 45

Specialisation electives (18 EC)
For the specialisation electives, choose 18 EC from the following list
Note: Courses marked with a [C] belong to the Research Masters Cognitive Neuro Science (CNS) programme. Artificial Intelligence Master students may only take these courses with the agreement of the CNS programme coordinator and course leader. To take these courses students must directly contact the coordinator of the CNS programme, Arno Koning, via email <a.koning@donders.ru.nl>, requesting to join the course and a one paragraph motivation.

Course code Course name EC
NWI-IMC012 Bayesian Networks 6 (Textor)
NWI-IMC037 Intelligent Systems in Medical Imaging 6 (Karssemeijer)
NWI-IMC042 Natural Computing 6 (Marchiori)
NWI-IMC056 Statistical Machine Learning 6 (Wiegerinck)
NWI-NM047C Computational Neuroscience 9 (Tiesinga)
NWI-NM048C Machine Learning 9 (Kappen)
SOW-DGCN02 Neuroimaging I 6 (Kohn) [C]
SOW-DGCN03 Neurophilosophy 6 (Haselager) [C]
SOW-DGCN23 Motor Control 6 (Medendorp) [C]
SOW-DGCN44 Perception 6 (Koning) [C]
SOW-MKI55 Artificial and Natural Music Cognition 6 (Sadakata)
SOW-MKI56 Theoretical Foundations for Cognitive Agents 6


Restricted Electives (12 EC)

Course code Title EC
SOW-MKI10 Capita Selecta AI 3 (Kamsteeg)
SOW-MKI20 Capita Selecta AI 6 (Kamsteeg)
SOW-MKI62 Research Seminar 6 (Kwisthout)
SOW-MKI54 MatLab Skills 3 (Selen)
Any AI core or specialisation elective
Any philosophy elective

Free Choice Electives (12 EC)

Course code Title EC
Any restricted elective course
Any course