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Faculty of Arts, 2018-2019
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Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen
Arts and Culture Studies
Arts and Culture Studies
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
Binding Study Advice
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
Graduation procedure
General information
General information
General information
General guide to the Bachelor's degree programme
Academic counselling and mentoring
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Humanities core curriculum
Content warnings
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Information for students from other programmes
Course index
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen
Duitse Taal en Cultuur
Engelse Taal en Cultuur
English Language and Culture
English Language and Culture
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
Binding Study Advice
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
Graduation procedure
General information
General information
General information
General guide to the Bachelor's degree programme
Academic counselling and mentoring
Rules and procedures
Points of contact
Humanities core curriculum
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Information for students from other programmes
Course index
Griekse en Latijnse Taal en Cultuur
International Business Communication
International Business Communication
The first year programme (B1)
The first year programme (B1)
The first year programme (B1)
Binding Study Advice
The second year programme (B2)
The second year programme (B2)
The second year programme (B2)
The third year programme (B3)
The third year programme (B3)
The third year programme (B3)
Graduation procedure
General information
General information
General information
General guide to the Bachelor's degree programme
Academic counselling and mentoring
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Humanities core curriculum
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Information for students from other programmes
Course index
Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur
Romaanse Talen en Culturen
Prospectuses other faculties
Arts and Culture
Arts and Culture
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Information for students from other programmes
Creative Industries
Creative Industries
Programme and learning outcomes
Overview programme
Tourism and Culture
Tourism and Culture
Programme and learning outcomes
Overview programme
Kunstbeleid en Kunstbedrijf
Course index
Communication and Information Studies
Communication and Information Studies
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Information for students from other programmes
Communicatie en Beïnvloeding
International Business Communication
International Business Communication
Overview programme
Course index
Europese Studies
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Information for students from other programmes
Geschiedenis en Actualiteit
Politiek en Parlement
Eternal Rome
Eternal Rome
Programme and learning outcomes
Overview programme
Course index
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Information for students from other programmes
General Programme
General Programme
Programme and Learning Outcomes
Overview programme
Language and Communication Coaching
Language and Communication Coaching
Programme and Learning Outcomes
Overview programme
Taal en Spraakpathologie (TSP)
Nederlands als Tweede Taal: Docent en Expert
Course index
North American Studies
North American Studies
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Information for students from other programmes
Literatures and Cultures of North America in International Perspective
Literatures and Cultures of North America in International Perspective
Programme and Learning Outcomes
Overview programme
Transnational America: Politics, Culture and Society
Transnational America: Politics, Culture and Society
Programme and Learning Outcomes
Overview programme
Course index
Research Master Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies
Research Master Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies
General information
General information
General information
Programme information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Extra information about the Research Training (plus internship manual)
Funding possibilities
Rules and procedures
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Information for students from other programmes
General Programme
General Programme
Overview programme
Historical Studies
Historical Studies
Programme and Learning Outcomes
Overview programme
Art and Visual Culture
Art and Visual Culture
Programme and Learning Outcomes
Overview programme
Literary Studies
Literary Studies
Programme and Learning Outcomes
Overview programme
Course index
Research Master in Language and Communication
Research Master in Language and Communication
General information
General information
About the programme
Admission and enrollment
Organization, contact
Programme information
Programme information
Final attainment level
Schematic outline
Course information
Course information
Compulsory courses
Specialization courses
Skills and methods
Administrative organization
Administrative organization
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Education and Examination Regulations
Graduation procedure
Fraud and plagiarism
Forms and protocols
Practical information
Practical information
Academic calendar
Funding possibilities
Course index
Prospectuses other faculties
Courses for exchange students
Courses for exchange students
Course List 2019-2020
Course List 2019-2020
General Information Course Selection
Semester 1 - Bachelor
Semester 2 - Bachelor
Semester 1 - Master
Semester 2 - Master
Art History
Art History
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Core Curriculum Course 2: Golden Ages
Business Communication Studies
Business Communication Studies
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Corporate Communication
English for specific business purposes
Language and Communication
Marketing Communication
Intercultural Communication
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Information Science
Intercultural Communication
Language and Thought
Social media and new media
Organisation and Management
Language Management in International Organisations
Foreign Languages in Advertising
Classical Languages and Culture
Classical Languages and Culture
Autumn Semester Master
Autumn Semester Master
Classical Traditions 1 (Medea)
MA Seminar Greek Language and Literature
Advanced Classical Archaeology
MA Seminar Latin Language and Literature
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
(BA) Classical Archeology: Field Survey
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
(MA) Classical Archaeology: Field Survey
Classical Traditions 2 (Epic)
Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
City Culture
Gender, Identity, Diversity
Visual Culture
Vulgar Culture
Working through Fashion
Organizing the Creative Industry
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Creativity and Arts Education
Global media industries
Music Industry
Things: Material Culture and the Politics of Identity
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
An Introduction to Digital Humanities: Theoretical reflections
Cases and tools: The practice of Digital Humanities
Data in Culture and Society
Values of Culture
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Creativity in Context
Dutch Language and Culture (courses offered in Dutch)
Dutch Language and Culture (courses offered in Dutch)
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Betekenis van woorden en zinnen: semantiek
Constituenten- en zinsstructuur in het Nederlands
Eeuwig gaat voor ogenblik: de Nederlandse canon van middeleeuwen tot heden
Inleiding Taalkunde
Journalism and context
Journalistieke basisvaardigheden
Modern Vlaanderen: Letterkunde 5
Neerlandistiek Statistiek
Negentiende eeuw: Letterkunde 4
Ontwerp van overtuigende teksten
Taal en Cognitie: Inleiding Psycholinguïstiek
Taal en Media
Van Adam tot Zeus
Verdieping Letterkunde
Wat is literatuur?
Woordstrucuur: Morfologie
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Early language production and perception
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Antieke en moderne retorica
Argumentatie en maatschappelijk debat
Argumentatie, rethorica en publiek debat
De Literatuur Draait Door: rol en functie van Nederlandstalige literatuur in de 21ste eeuw
De stad centraal. De IJsselsteden
Eenentwintigste eeuw: Letterkunde 7
Experimenteel onderzoek
Kwantitatieve methoden in de Neerlandistiek
Losgezongen van hun betekenissen: Poëzieanalyse
Middeleeuwse bronnen
Middelsnederlands en Vroegnieuwnederlands
Panorama stadsgeschiedenis
Psycholinguïstiek van Gebarentalen
Psycholinguïstisch onderzoek
Schrijver op de zeepkist: literatuur en engagement in de vroegmoderne tijd
Taal in actie: discourse-analyse
Taalverandering in context
Twintigste eeuw: Letterkunde 6
Van woord tot zin
Wijsgerige reflectie: Geschiedenis van het Denken
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
English Language and Culture
English Language and Culture
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
British Literature and Culture of the 17th and 18th Century
English as a World Language (for exchange students)
Fools and Furies: The Early Modern Stage
From Sounds to Words
Syntax 2
The Sworn Book of Honorius and Ritual Magic in Late Medieval England
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Sourcebooks of Ritual Magic in Late Medieval England
Victorian Sensation Fiction
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
British Literature and Culture of the 19th and 20th Century
Screening the Novel
Topics in English Linguistics
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
From Famine to Troubles: Irish Literature and the Construction of Cultural Identities
The Imitation Game: The Reception of Contemporary British Fiction as a Modernist
The Booker and Beyond: Literary Prize Culture in Britain
Introduction to Multimodal Analysis
French Language and Culture (courses offered in French)
French Language and Culture (courses offered in French)
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Histoire de la culture française 1: Du Moyen Age aux Lumières
La France au XXIe siècle
Littérature et société (XVIIe-XIXe siècles)
Tendances actuelles de la recherche
Renforcement grammatical et traduction
Compétences orales 3
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Topiques dans la linguistique français
Translation Studies
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Actualités Cultures
Apprendre le français
Atelier culture: identités postcoloniales (theories et représentations)
Cinema et société
Écriture scientifique
Histoire de la culture française 2: Du Romantisme à nos jours
La communication en entreprise
Langue, culture et société
Littérature et société (XXe-XXIe siècles)
Sur les traces de la langue française
Méthodes littéraires et linguistiques
Compétences orales 4
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Corpus de français parlé et recherches linguistiques
German Language and Culture (courses offered in German)
German Language and Culture (courses offered in German)
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Geschichte des Deutschen: Historische Linguistik
Lyrik, Poesie, Poetry
Sprachwissenschaft 1: Phonetik und Phonologie
Tandemkurs: Sprech- und Redewerkstatt
Unterhaltungsformen populärer Kultur
Wie liest man Literatur?
Textgestaltung und Wissenschaftssprache
Literaire beeldvorming in Nederland en Duitsland
Oriëntatie op de Euregio
Einleitung interkulturelle Kommunikation Niederlande-Deutschland
Sprachpraxis Deutsch
Grundlagen der deutschen Grammatik
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Lernersprache in deutsch-niederländischen Textproduktionen: Forschung und Didaktik
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Kommunikation in Kultur und Wirtschaft
Sprachwissenschaft 2: Syntax und Textlinguistik
Wendepunkte der deutschen Geschichte
Fragen des 21. Jahrhunderts: aktuelle politische und gesellschaftliche Debatten in Deutschland
Geschichte der deutschen Literatur
Forschung und Didaktik: Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Autor und Werk
Ältere deutsche Literatur und Kultur
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
City life in the Mediterranean (500 BC – 1500 AD)
Sport History and Philosophy
Changing answers to social questions in Europe and the United States (1870-1940)
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Romans on the Bay of Naples
The Byzantine and Islamic Worlds in the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
American identities. Social differences and struggle in postwar America, 1945 - present
Who built America? (1) Change and struggle in the social history of the United States (1492 - 1877)
Who built America? (2) Change and struggle in the social history of the United States (1877 - present)
World government. The history of international organizations since the 19th century
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Roman Law and Society
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Van woord tot zin
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Computer-assisted Language Learning
Language in the Hand: Methodological Approaches to Multimodal Communication
Languages and society: variation and diversity
Linguistic universals and diversity
Optimality Theory: Stress Typology and Phonology in Action
Topics in Second Language Acquisition 2
North America Studies
North America Studies
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
American Art
Research Seminar 1: Identity and Cultural Diversity
Research Seminar 2: 19th Century Then and Now
The Challenges of Political Leadership: Comparing the US and the Netherlands
Planetary Cultural Politics
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
American Studies: Theories and Practices
Contemporary North American Fiction
The Future of American Power
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
America on Record: Introduction to American Music
American Literatures of the 20th and 21st Century
American Popular Culture
Canadian Literature
US Foreign Relations
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Interdisciplinary Seminar American Studies: North American Indigenous Studies
Religion and American Global Politics
The representation of Violence at the US-Mexican border
Transatlantic Transfer and Cultural Mobility: Grounding Transnational American Studies
US Constitutional Law
Spanish Language and Culture (courses offered in Spanish)
Spanish Language and Culture (courses offered in Spanish)
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Actualidades literarias, culturales y políticas
Estudios de reception
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Temas de la lingüística hispánica
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Análisis de textos: literature y cine
El Quijote y sus trayectos
Español como segunda lengua: teoría y aplicación
Identidad y diversidad: México y los Estados Unidos
Lengua, Cultura y Sociedad
Representaciones culturales en España
Teoría cultural: España e Hispanoamérica
Course Index
Studying at the Faculty of Arts as an Exchange Student
Minor / elective course
Minor / elective course
General information minors Arts
General information minors Arts
The space for minors 2018
The rules regarding minors
Types of minors
How do you choose your minors?
Registering for minors
Transitional scheme
Minors at other faculties
Overview offer minors Arts
Overview offers minors FTR
Prospectuses Radboud University
Prospectus Faculty of Arts
Minor / elective course
Prospectuses Radboud University