The general phase (first six quarters; compulsory courses) of the learning trajectory Neurobiology includes the course Brain and Behaviour with the central question how the brain generates behaviour.
Neurobiology courses during the differentiation phase include:
Neural Basis of Cognition and Perception: the basic mechanisms of perceptual and cognitive systems;
Neurons & Synapses: distinct cell classes of the nervous system; anatomical, chemical and electrical characteristics of neurons and synapses;
Medical Embryology: development of various organ systems;
Neurodevelopment: morphological, cellular and molecular aspects of neurodevelopmental processes;
Neurobiophysics: functional organisation of the visual, auditory, vestibular and oculomotor systems; simulate elementary neural models;
Neural Basis of Motor Control: general principles underlying motor representations; neural principles of sensory-motor integration;
Medical Neurobiology and Genetics: basic clinical aspects of neurological diseases; biological mechanisms from molecule and (genetically modified) cell/animal model to man to understand these diseases.
The content of the various Neurobiology courses is based on the book "Principles of Neuroscience" by Eric R. Kandel, 5th Edition.