Honours Programme
Honours programme of the Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science offers a two-year honours programme of 30 EC during the second and third year of your bachelor’s programme. Each year, a maximum of 25 students coming from all programmes at the Faculty of Science can enroll in the honours programme. It is a challenging and interesting programme that obviously asks for extra effort on your side, in return for which you will gain a nice experience and learn a lot. You can apply for a position in the Faculty of Science honours programme until the end of May of your first year at the faculty.
For more information, please contact the head of the faculty honours programme, Hay Geurts (hay.geurts@science.ru.nl) or check the web page: https://www.ru.nl/honoursacademy_english/bachelor/science/
Interdisciplinary honours programme
Radboud University also offers a multidisciplinary honours programme, in which you’ll work with ambitious fellow students from all faculties. More information on this programme can be found here.