Programme of Neuroscience
The structure for the Master specialisation Neuroscience for the Master of Science in Medical Biology is:
- 24 EC mandatory courses:
- NWI-BM073 Trends in Stem Cell Biology (3 EC)
- NWI-BM044B Systems Neuroscience (3 EC)*
- NWI-BM053B Behavioural Neuroscience (3 EC)*
- NWI-BM001D Molecular and cellular Neurobiology (6 EC)
- NWI-NM103B Methods in Neuroscience (3 EC)*
- NWI-BM059 Systematic Reviews in Neuroscience (6 EC)*
* these courses (15 EC in total) are the courses specifically belonging to this specialisation. You'll take these courses together with students from other masterprogrammes such as Physics, Science and Molecular Life Sciences.
The other courses are compulsory courses for Medical Biology students
- 6 EC Thesis
- 72 EC Research internship (2x 36 EC)
- 15 EC free space for optional courses or extension of internships (6 EC max.)
Choose at least one course from the following list. Of the remaining EC, 6 EC is completely free, the remaining EC should have a natural scientific character. If you want more information on a course, check out the course description via the course finder.- NWI-BM010C Advanced Adaptation Physiology (3 EC)
- NWI-BM032C Advanced Endocrinology (3 EC)
- NWI-BM004C Apoptosis (3 EC)
- NWI-BM016C Cellular Imaging in Four Dimensions (3 EC)
- NWI-BM066 Computation for Biologists (3 EC)
- NWI-BM062 Epigenomics in Health and Disease (3 EC)
- NWI-BM050B Human Fertility (3 EC, not in 18/19)
- NWI-BM024D Laboratory Animal Science (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL413 Transport and Metabolomics (3 EC)
- NWI-LM012 Mol.Asp. Host Def., Tissue Destruction and Repair (3 EC)
- NWI-BM061 Neurogenomics of Speech, Language and Reading Disorders
(3 EC) - NWI-BM015C Oncology (3 EC, not in 16/17)
- NWI-BM041B Principles of Systems Biology (3 EC)
- NWI-BM064 Protein Dynamics and Networks (3 EC)
- NWI-MM013 Research Skills (3 EC)
- NWI-BM051B Systematic Review of Animal Studies (3 EC)
- NWI-BM007C Working with Radionuclides Level 5B (2 EC)
- 3 EC Philosophy course
- 0 EC Master Portfolio Biosciences