Computer facilities
Students can make use of all computers that can be found in the various computer rooms across the Faculty of Science. At the start of your study programme, you receive a personal login that you can use for the entire duration of your enrollment in the programme. With this login, you can enter your own personal digital learning environment everywhere on campus. Various computer programs are available to all students, ranging from simple word processors to advanced computer systems for algebra. The Faculty of Science works with both Windows and Linux operating systems.
Computer and Communications Department (C&CZ)
C&CZ provides all kind of services to the Faculty of Science, including all hardware and software. For questions or help, please check the following website: or visit their office: Huygens building, room HG03.055
Email address
The Students Affairs office will provide every student with their own personal university email address (… These email addresses are specifically for contact by email from and within the Faculty. It is therefore important to activate and regularly check your … account. For questions about this account, please contact the Student Information Desk of the Students Affairs office:
Comeniuslaan 4
T: 024 361 2345
N.B.: Students are expected to read all emails sent by Radboud University. Linking the address to your own personal email account is not an excuse for not receiving emails.