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Course related competences

For ease of reference, we have organized the course related competences per theme:

  1. Algorithms and theory
  2. Programming
  3. Computer Systems and Security
  4. Information and Knowledge Systems
  5. Mathematics
  6. Cyber Security (for the Cyber Security specialisation track)
  7. Software Science (for the Software and Data Science specialisation track)
  8. Data Science (for the Software and Data Science specialisation track)

In relation to the above themes, a bachelor's graduate can:

1. Algorithms and theory
- create algorithms and (abstract) data structures for specific problems;
- analyse and compare different solutions in terms of efficiency and order of complexity.

Problems can be analysed for their (un-)decidability properties. You know how to use methods for describing (programming) language constructs (syntax) and their operational or denotational meaning (semantics). You are able to demonstrate the correctness of an algorithm.

2. Programming
- distinguish between the major programming paradigms of functional, imperative, and object oriented programming;
- identify for each paradigm characteristic key concepts and apply them in concrete situations.

You can develop a computer program systematically and in a structured way, using programming methods such as the top-down, bottom-up, or object
oriented approach. You can select and apply appropriate abstractions when designing and implementing classes, methods or functions, and data structures.

3. Computer Systems and Security
- describe the way processors, computers, operating systems, and computer networks are organized;
- analyse concrete systems in terms of standard abstract computer models.

You can identify situations and environments in which Security plays a relevant role, and describe and apply Security goals and techniques in these situations.

4. Information and Knowledge Systems
- select and apply methods for obtaining the information requirements of organizations;
- create information models for Information Systems.

You are able to identify situations in which AI techniques are applicable. You have knowledge of basic search and learning techniques and are able to apply them  in non-advanced cases.

5. Mathematics
- recognize and apply suitable mathematical structures and theory (for instance group theory, linear algebra, probability theory, logic) also for modeling
computing science related structures.

You can go back and forth between the more concrete (non-mathematical) problem and the mathematical modeling and solution.

6. Cyber Security (for the Cyber Security specialization track)
- analyse security problems and identify their causes;
- describe and apply security-techniques, best practices, and principles.

The above is not only limited to technical aspects; you are also able to analyse and judge personal and societal aspects concerning areas such as privacy, law, and implementations in organizations.

7. Software science (for the Software and Data Science specialization track)
- apply or create new applications and tools for 'devices' (such as arduino, VR-hardware, IoT sensors).

You can define the meaning of (novel) programming language constructs and concepts, and you are able to analyse the behavior of programs by means of computational models and tools.

8. Data science (for the Software and Data Science specialization track)
- distinguish techniques required for extracting relevant information from very large data collections (Big Data).

You know and can differentiate, select, and implement fundamental search methods.