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Course Index

Bachelor Semester 1
Bachelor Semester 2
Master Semester 1
Master Semester 2

Bachelor Semester 1

Course code Course name
LET-ETCAMB203 American Art
LET-ETCAMB103 American History and Politics I
LET-ETCAMB216 American Political System: Experiments in Democracy
LET-ETCENB109 British Culture and History
LET-ETCENB201 British Literature and Culture of the 17th and 18th Century
LET-RTCBF112 Cinéma et société
LET-ACWB301 City Culture
LET-RTCBF113 Compétences langagières 1
LET-RTCBF114 Compétences langagières 2
LET-RTCBF212 Compétences langagières 5
LET-RTCBF213 Compétences langagières 6
LET-CIWB150-IBC Corporate Communication
LET-NTCB115 De Nederlandse canon van middeleeuwen tot heden
LET-ETCENB202 Dead or Alive? The Contemporary British Novel
LET-DTCB201 Einleitung interkulturelle Kommunikation Niederlande-Deutschland
LET-ETCENB211EX English as a World Language (for exchange students)
LET-CIWER801 English for specific business purposes
LET-RTCBS210 Estereotipos en la cultura hispánica
LET-RTCBS204 Estudios de reception
LET-NTCB224 Fonologie
LET-ETCENB302 Fools and Furies: The Early Modern Stage
LET-DTCB224 Fragen des 21. Jahrhunderts: aktuelle politische und gesellschaftliche Debatten in Deutschland
LET-ETCENB213 From Sounds to Words
LET-DTCB208 Geschichte des Deutschen: Historische Linguistik
LET-KGB701 Golden Ages: Baroque Art in Italy and the Netherlands

Histoire de la culture française 1: Du Moyen Age aux Lumières


Historisch en modern letterkundig onderzoek


Identidad y diversidad. México y los Estados Unidos

LET-NTCB221 Inleiding Psycholinguïstiek
LET-CIWB152-IBC Intercultural Communication
LET-CIWB262-IBC Internal Communication
LET-ETCAMB108 Introduction to American Cultural Studies
LET-GESB109-CEH Introduction to Comparative European History
LET-NTCMI504 Journalism and context
LET-NTCMI503-ENG Journalism, the basics
LET-NTCMI506 Kunstkritiek
LET-RTCBF107 La France au XXIe siècle
LET-CIWB157-IBC Language and Communication
LET-RTCBF111 Langue, culture et société
LET-DTCMI301 Literaire beeldvorming in Nederland en Duitsland
LET-NTCB215 Literatuur en engagement in Verlichting en Romantiek
LET-RTCBF210 Littérature et révolution (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)
LET-DTCB110 Lyrik, Poesie, Poetry
LET-CIWB153-IBC Marketing Communication
LET-NTCB214 Middeleeuwse auteurs als entertainers en moraalridders
LET-NTCB139 Moedertaalverwerving
LET-RTCBF207 Onderzoekscollege 2: Tendances actuelles de la recherche
LET-ACWB704 Organizing the Creative Industry
LET-DTCMI302 Oriëntatie op de Euregio
LET-KGB704 Perspectives on Photography: History and Theory
LET-ETCAMB209 Planetary Cultural Politics
LET-ETCAMB301 Research Seminar 1: Identity and Cultural Diversity
LET-ETCAMB302 Research Seminar 2: 19th Century Then and Now
LET-NTCMI505-ENG Science Journalism
LET-NTCB129 Semantiek
LET-DTCB206 Sprachlernen in Theorie und Praxis
LET-DTCB107 Sprachpraxis Deutsch
LET-DTCB103 Sprachwissenschaft 1: Phonetik und Phonologie
LET-NTCB302 Statistiek
LET-ETCENB210 Syntax 2
LET-NTCB130 Taal en Media
LET-NTCB232 Taal in actie: discourse-analyse


LET-DTCB202 Textgestaltung und Wissenschaftssprache
LET-ETCAMB304 The Challenges of Political Leadership: Comparing the US and the Netherlands
LET-GESB3209 Thematic Seminar The history and current dilemmas of the European Union
LET-GESB3208 Thematic Seminar: City life in the Mediterranean (500 BC – 1500 AD)
LET-DTCB209 Unterhaltungsformen populärer Kultur
LET-ACWB302 Visual Culture
LET-NTCB110 Wat is literatuur?
LET-DTCB112 Wie liest man Literatur?
LET-ACWB705 Working Through Fashion

Bachelor Semester 2

Course code Course name
LET-RTCBF209 Acquisition et apprentissage
LET-RTCBF303 Actualités Culturelles
LET-DTCB311 Ältere deutsche Literatur und Kultur
LET-ETCAMB207 America on Record: Introduction to American Music
LET-ETCAMB104 American History and Politics II
LET-GESB963 American identities. Social differences and struggle in postwar America, 1945 - present
LET-ETCAMB205 American Literatures of the 20th and 21st Century
LET-ETCAMB204 American Popular Culture
LET-ACWBMI07 An Introduction to Digital Humanities: Theoretical reflections
LET-RTCBS107 Análisis de textos: literature y cine
LET-NTCMI521 Antieke en moderne retorica
LET-NTCMI520 Argumentatie en maatschappelijk debat
LET-NTCB138 Argumentatie, retorica en politiek debat
LET-RTCBF206 Atelier culture: identités postcoloniales (theories et représentations)
LET-DTCB226 Autor und Werk
LET-ETCENB205 Beyond Britishness: the Construction of Identities in Literature and Culture
LET-ETCENB107 British Literature and Culture of the 19th and 20th Century
LET-ETCAMB208 Canadian Literature
LET-RTCBS212 Cine de América Latina y España
LET-RTCBF115 Compétences langagières 3
LET-RTCBF116 Compétences langagières 4
LET-ACWB107 Cultural Theory
LET-ACWBMI09 Data in Culture and Society
LET-NTCB240 De 'ander' in de moderne Vlaamse literatuur
LET-NTCMI511 De stad centraal. De IJsselsteden 1300-1600
LET-NTCMI530 Eerstetaalverwerving
LET-RTCBS209 El Quijote y sus trayectos
LET-ETCENB104 English From Old to New
LET-RTCBS208 Español como lengua segunda: teoría y aplicación
LET-CIWB355-IBC Foreign Languages in Advertising
LET-DTCB225 Forschung und Didaktik: Deutsch als Fremdsprache
LET-DTCB108A Geschichte der deutschen Literatur
LET-DTCB101 Grundlagen der deutschen Grammatik
LET-RTCBF106 Histoire de la culture française 2: Du Romantisme à nos jours
LET-ETCENB217 I Made the Devil do it: Conjuring Spirits in Late Medieval England
LET-CIWB158-IBC Information Science
LET-CIWB152-IBC Intercultural Communication
LET-GLTCMI108 Klassieke mythologie in tekst en beeld
LET-DTCB109 Kommunikation in Kultur und Wirtschaft
LET-NTCB223 Kwantitatieve Methoden in de Neerlandistiek
LET-CIWER803 Language and Thought
LET-ETCENB215 Language Change
LET-CIWB264-IBC Language Management in International Organisations
LET-RTCBS206 Lengua, Cultura y Sociedad
LET-NTCB217 Literatuur en autonomie in de 20ste eeuwse literatuur
LET-NTCB117 Literatuur en identiteit in de Gouden Eeuw
LET-RTCBF211 Littérature et avant-garde (XXe-XXIe siècle)
LET-RTCBF302 Méthodes littéraires et culturelles
LET-NTCMI512 Middeleeuwse bronnen
LET-NTCB128 Middelnederlands en Vroegnieuwnederlands
LET-RTCBF117 Onderzoekscollege 1: Écriture scientifique
LET-NTCB230 Ontwerp van overtuigende teksten
LET-CIWB151-IBC Organisation and Management
LET-ACWB704 Organizing the creative industries
LET-NTCMI510 Panorama stadsgeschiedenis
LET-GESB110-CEH Philosophy of History
LET-NTCMI531 Psycholinguïstisch onderzoek
LET-NTCB216 Realisme en secularisering in de 19de eeuwse literatuur
LET-NTCB116 Rol en functie van Nederlandstalige literatuur in de 21ste eeuw
LET-ETCENB203 Screening the Novel
LET-TWB116 Semantiek
LET-RTCBF216 Séminaire de recherche
LET-CIWER802 Social Media and new media
LET-DTCB104 Sprachwissenschaft 2: Syntax und Textlinguistik
LET-RTCBF110 Sur les traces de la langue française
LET-ETCAMB107 Survey American Literature
LET-ETCENB103 Syntax 1
LET-NTCB222 Taalverandering in context
LET-RTCBS104 Teoría cultural: España e Hispanoamérica
LET-GESB932 The Byzantine and Islamic Worlds in the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
LET-GESB2214 Thematic Seminar Populism and Propaganda in the Roman World
LET-RTCBF214 Théories et méthodes
LET-ETCENB214 Topics in English Linguistics
LET-RTCBF301 Traduction
LET-RTCBF215 Traduction F-N
LET-ETCAMB206 US Foreign Relations
LET-TWB133 Van woord tot zin
LET-RTCBS114 Variedades del español
LET-ACWB203 Vulgar Culture
LET-GESB961 Who built America? (1) Change and struggle in the social history of the United States (1492 - 1877)
LET-GESB962 Who built America? (2) Change and struggle in the social history of the United States (1877 - present)
LET-ACWB705 Working through fashion
LET-GESB924 World government. The history of international organizations since the 19th century

Master Semester 1

Master Semester 2