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The Dutch grading system may differ from the grading system in your home country.

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The establishment of examination results at the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies (below)

Article 26 Education and Examination Regulations

  1. The examiner establishes the result of an examination in writing.
  2. The result of an examination is expressed in full or half points. If the result of an examination is established differently, this is described in more detail in the overview in the study guide.
  3. Examination results are marked in whole and half points only. If a mark ends in .25 then this mark will be rounded down to .0. Results ending between .25 to .75 will be rounded off to .5. Results ending in .75 and above will be rounded up to .0.
  4. In deviation to this, an examination result will not be set at 5.5. A calculated score ending below 5.5 will be rounded down to 5, and a score of 5.5 and upwards will be rounded up to 6.
  5. Results of partial examinations can be marked in numbers up to 1 decimal point. When rounding off results of partial examinations, numbers after the first decimal point will be ignored.
  6. If the result of an examination equals or is more than 6.0 points, the examination is considered to have been passed. If the result of the examination equals 5.0 or is less than 5.0 points, the examination is considered not to have been passed.
  7. If an examination that has already been sat is resat, the more recently obtained result always determines the result.