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Specialisation Church History

Master’s specialisation in Church History

The Master’s specialisation in Church History has a course load 60 EC. All the courses are 10 EC and the Master’s Thesis is 20 EC.

The structure is as follows:

Course Title Course code Study Load Period

Seminar in the field of specialisation:

Seminar on History of Church FTR-THMA206 10 EC Sem. 2

Seminar in a different field (choose 1):

  • FTR-THMA203
  • FTR-THMA204
  • FTR-THMA205
  • FTR-RSMAR103
  • 10 EC
  • 10 EC
  • 10 EC
  • 10 EC
  • Sem. 1
  • Sem. 2
  • Sem. 1
  • Sem. 2

Specialisation tutorial (choose 1):

  • FTR-THMA150-3
  • FTR-THMA150-4
  • 10 EC
  • 10 EC
  • Sem. 1
  • Sem. 2
(Interdisciplinary) elective or internship:
(View options here)

10 EC

Master's Thesis

Master's Thesis on History of Church


20 EC

Sem. 2 (workshop in sem. 1 !)

Total 60 EC

1. You are required to have basic knowledge of Hebrew or Greek to be admitted to this course.