Study association
V.C.M.W. Sigma
Study association for students of Chemistry, Science, and Molecular Life Sciences.
V.C.M.W. Sigma is a study association for students of the Molecular Sciences. The association provides support and promotes a wider context for studying, whilst also fulfilling a social function. Sigma organises activities directly related to students’ courses, along with events geared towards the pure fun element.
Examples include: lectures, excursions, study afternoons, an annual sports tournament, an annual symposium, weekend camping expeditions in the Netherlands, weekends abroad, social activities and parties, an exchange programme with ETH Zürich, and the parents' day, where parents are invited to visit their child’s place of study. The association also publishes a periodical, G-mi, a number of times a year, which is complemented every lustrum year with an almanac. V.C.M.W. Sigma also has a website on which you can find photographs, study materials, information on chemical companies, and other useful information. The study association also markets books for students at an attractive discount. Sigma shares a student canteen together with a number of other (study) associations, where members can buy coffee, tea, snacks, soft drinks, and toasted sandwiches during breaks.
V.C.M.W. Sigma membership costs 30 euros. For this fee you remain a member for the entire period of your undergraduate programme at the Molecular Sciences cluster, as well as any following master’s programme at the Radboud University Nijmegen. The Sigma Board can be found in the Board room (room HG00.150, Tel: 024 3652079) every Tuesday and Thursday between 12.30pm and 1.30pm. For more information have a look at their website. The Sigma Board can also be reached at