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Programme B3 (Cohort 2017, third year)

In the second and third year, the curriculum Computing Science offers a choice between two specialisation tracks: Software and Data Science and Cyber Security. You should choose one of these tracks (your choice applies to both the second and third year, so you take the same specialisation in both years), and complete all courses of this track. Some courses are specific to one of these tracks; others are included in both tracks. Notably, as opposed to previous years, the course NWI-IBC037 Law for Computer Scientists is now compulsory for both tracks.

Below you find a schematic overview of the third year programme for cohort 2017 as implemented in academic year 2019-2020. Courses that are included in both tracks are listed first; after that, track specific courses are listed. Some courses are still taught in Dutch (you can find the language of instruction by clicking the course description link; however, a Dutch course title in below overview is already an indication).

The full curriculum of cohort 2017 (first, second and third year) including specialisation tracks, semester planning and EC per course can be found in this PDF (pdf, 143 kB). For a more detailed view of the relations between courses, you may check the "poster overview (pdf, 417 kB)".

N.B. If you started your studies in cohort 2016 or before but still need to take some courses of your third year, please check the transition rules describing the overview of changes and their consequences. If you need help planning your programme, please consult your study advisor.

1st Semester: Joint programme (30 EC)
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
NWI-IBC035 Academisch Schrijven voor Informatici *
(3 EC)

NWI-IBC035 Academisch Schrijven voor Informatici *
(3 EC)

(15 EC)
Free Choice
(12 EC)
NWI-IBI010  Reflectie en Beroepsoriëntatie** 
(3 EC) (portfolio)


2nd Semester: Joint programme ( 24 EC)
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
NWI-IBI010  Reflectie en Beroepsoriëntatie** 
(3 EC) (portfolio)
NWI-IBI001  Software Engineering
(6 EC)
NWI-IBC037  Law for Computing Scientists 
(3 EC)
NWI-IBC033  Bachelorscriptie
(12 EC)
Specialisation track: Software and Data Science (6 EC)
NWI-IBC036  Big Data
(6 EC)
Specialisation track: Cyber Security  (6 EC)
NWI-IBC039 Organizing Cyber Security
(6 EC)

* Students can take this course either in Q1 or in Q2. If you want to take a semester abroad, you may consult the examination board and propose an alternative for the Academic Writing course at the university you choose to visit.
** Students can distribute the study load for completion of the portfolio according to what suits them best in relation to the track programme of their choice.