Master Specialisation MFoCS - General introduction
Throughout the centuries there has been a fruitful and mutually inspiring interaction between physics and mathematics. A similarly fruitful and exciting interaction has existed right from the start between computer science and mathematics. This ranges from the use of mathematics to model the foundations and explore the potentials and limits of computer science to the use of computers to help solve mathematical problems with a discrete component. This Research Master Program places itself squarely on this exciting and quickly developing interdisciplinary edge of deep theoretical developments.
In this Research Master specialisation, mathematicians working in areas pertinent to (theoretical) computer science, like algebra and logic, and theoretical computer scientists, working in areas as formal methods and theorem proving, join forces to establish a master program in the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFoCS). The emphasis of the Master is on a combination of a genuine theoretical and up-to-date foundation in the pertinent mathematical subjects combined with an equally genuine and up-to-date training in key aspects of theoretical computer science. For this reason, the mathematics courses in this curriculum concentrate on Algebra, General Topology, Logic, Number Theory, and Combinatorics. The computer science courses concentrate on Formal Methods, Type Theory and Theorem Proving.
For this master specialisation we invite students with a bachelor in mathematics or computer science that have a strong mathematical background and theoretical interests. The programme intends to provide broad knowledge and understanding over a wide range of material in mathematics and theoretical computer science, bringing students in contact with the research frontier of the field. The curriculum consists of both lectures (with exercise classes) and of research projects, which are organized in the MFoCS Research Seminar and a Master Thesis project. There is a possibility to spend part of the master programme abroad.
Coordinators of the Master Specialisation MFoCS are dr. Freek Wiedijk and dr. Sebastiaan Terwijn.