Information on Master's Thesis
The research track ends with a graduation project which usually consists of a master's thesis including some mathematical research. The course load is 40 EC.
At the start of the Master program, the student is expected to contact one or more prospective Master thesis supervisors to discuss a program. Normally the student will contact a thesis supervisor in the first semester of the Master program. The courses that are needed to prepare for the Master thesis work are determined by the Master thesis supervisor and the student together. It is therefore advisable to contact the prospective Master thesis supervisor to discuss the content of these courses. The individual program needs approval by the examination board.
To select a prospective Master thesis supervisor, please look at the descriptions of the following themes that are covered within the spectrum of Interactive Mathematics:
- Mathematical Physics (contact Klaas Landsman:
- Algebra and Toplogy (contact Ben Moonen:
- Applied Stochastics (contact Eric Cator:
- Mathematics and Computation (contact Sebastiaan Terwijn:
the different profiles within the department of mathematics:
We advise the student to contact as soon as possible a supervisor or one of the contact persons of the specialisations.
This final project/thesis must be related to the major and consisting of a literature review, a thesis, and a final presentation.
Procedure final presentation:
- room reservation: send your request (subject: Master thesis presentation) to:, don't forget to mention date and time
- invitation math staff: you or your supervisor can send an invitation mail to: