Programme of Medical Epigenomics
The structure for the Master specialisation Medical Epigenomics for the Master of Science in Medical Biology is:
- 15 ec mandatory courses:
- 6 EC Review Article (NWI-BM-REVIEWART)
- 6 EC Research Proposal (NWI-BM-RESPROP)
2 internships, 72 EC in total:
- NWI-BM-STAGE1 (1x 36EC)
- NWI-BM-STAGE2 (1x 36EC)
- 18 EC free space for optional courses or extension of internships (6 EC max.)
Choose at least one course from the following list. Of the remaining EC, 6 EC is completely free, the remaining ECs should have a natural scientific character. If you want more information on a course, check out the course description via the course finder.
- NWI-BM010C Advanced Adaptation Physiology (3 EC)
- NWI-BM032C Advanced Endocrinology (3 EC)
- NWI-BM004C Apoptosis (3 EC)
- NWI-BM053B Behavioral Neuroscience (3 EC)
- NWI-BM016C Cellular Imaging in Four Dimensions (3 EC)
- NWI-BM050B Human Fertility (3 EC)
- NWI-BM024D Laboratory Animal Science and Alternatives (3 EC)
- NWI-BM001D Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology (3 EC)
- NWI-BM061 Neurogenomics of Speech, Language and Reading Disorders (3 EC)
- NWI-BM015C Oncology
- NWI-BM041B Principles of Systems Biology (3 EC)
- NWI-MM013 Research Skills (3 EC)
- NWI-BM044B Systems Neuroscience (3 EC)
- NWI-BM007C Working with Radionuclides Level 5B (2 EC)
- NWI-BM079 Kidney: Bench to Bedside (3 EC)
- NWI-MOL414 Chemical Discovery and Design (3 EC)
- NWI-FNWI001 Beroepsoriëntatie (3 EC, in Dutch)
- NWI-FNWI001A Career Orientation (3 EC)
- 3 EC Philosophy course
- 0 EC Master Portfolio Biosciences