Studentportal (OSIRIS)
Each Radboud University student has access to the student portal with their student number (e.g. s4012345) and their RU-password. On the student portal, you can:
- see your exam results
- register for courses and exams in Osiris (
- use your University email
- check the courses in which you are enrolled on Brightspace (
- see your personal schedule
Through the student portal, the monthly University newsletter is sent to all students of the Radboud University. In this newsletter, you can find all important news messages that relate to the university.
With the student portal, one login is sufficient to access all above mentioned services. At the start of your first year, you will receive a password in order to activate your account. After doing so, you will then need to change this password into your own personal password. After approximately half an hour, the student portal will be available to you. If you forgot your password, you can request a new one at the Student Information Desk upon showing your student ID card and your registration card.
For further questions or problems with regard to the student portal, please consult the Central Student Desk:
Houtlaan 4
T: (024) 361 23 45