Specializations Molecular chemistry and Physical chemistry
Quarter 1
- NWI-MOL131 Mathematics (1st part) (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL150 Data: programming and statistics (1st part) (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL016 Linear algebra (3 ec)
- NWI-FFIL101 Philosophy 1 (3 ec)
Quarter 2
- NWI-MOL131 Mathematics (2nd part) (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL150 Data: programming and statistics (2nd part) (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL155 Quantum mechanics (1st part) (3 ec)
Molecular Chemistry:
- NWI-MOL162 Inorganic chemistry 1 (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL032 Crystal structure (3 ec)
Physical Chemistry:
Quarter 3
- NWI-MOL131 Mathematics (3rd part) (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL155 Quantum mechanics (2nd part) (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL151 Data: techniques and analysis (1st part) (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL040 Thermodynamics 2 (3 ec)
Quarter 4
- NWI-MOL151 Data: techniques and analysis (2nd part) (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL056 Chemical bonding (3 ec)
- NWI-MOL057 Physical organic chemistry (3 ec)
* The shown course information concerns the courses in academic year 2019-2020. Slight changes might occur in academic year 2020-2021.