Honours programmes
The Radboud Honours Academy offers special programmes for motivated students who are looking for additional challenges. Psychology students can choose from no less than five programmes:
- Interdisciplinary honours programme 'Crossing borders': for students interested to look beyond their own studies, crossing the boundaries of your Psychology programme.
- Interdisciplinary honours programme 'Global problems': for students who want to delve into one of the global problems of our time and work together with students from other fields in an international environment.
- Honours programme Psychology: this programme offers you the opportunity to explore areas of Psychology you find particularly interesting, in close cooperation with one of our research experts from the Donders Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Institute or the Behavioural Science Institute.
- Honours programme Health Care: exposes you early in your studies to the various aspects in the practice of healthcare psychologists and challenges you also to study the practice in a critical and scientific way. Dutch is required.
- Honours programme Social Sciences: the emphasis is on the student’s future role as a social scientist in our contemporary knowledge society. You will become familiar with four different perspectives crucial to the various approaches of social science: an individual, group, societal and normative perspective.
Any questions regarding the honours programmes? Please visit the available information meetings in April or contact:
Beyond borders:
Floor Binkhorst, f.binkhorst@ru.nl
Global problems:
Dr. Tim Houwen, t.houwen@honours.ru.nl
Honours programme Psychology or Health Care:
dr. Matthieu Koppen, m.koppen@psych.ru.nl
Honours programme Social Sciences:
prof.dr. J. Bransen, j.bransen@pwo.ru.nl.