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The second year (B2)

The second year offers you a further deepening of the comparative historical approach via a series of thematic seminars and skill development training modules.

The second year (B2) Code EC 1 2 3 4
Identity and Diversity in European History LET-GESB2102-CEH 5 X
Historiography LET-GESB2103-CEH 5 X
Historiographical Debates in European History 1 LET-GESB2106-CEH 5 X
Environmental History LET-GESB2108-CEH 5 X
Research Lab LET-GESB2101-CEH 5 X
History in Action: Methods and Techniques for Historical Research LET-GESB2109-CEH 5 X
Specialisation Courses choice* 15 X X X
Historiographical Debates in European History 2 LET-GESB2107-CEH 5 X
Thematic Seminar choice** 10 X X
Total 60

*Specialisation courses:
In the second year, we offer various specialisation courses that enable you to further specialise in the historical field of your choosing. The English taught courses are bold. Comparative European History student that speak Dutch can also choose one of the courses taught in Dutch.

Specialisation Courses Ancient and Medieval History
LET-GESB933 Middeleeuwse Cultuur
LET-GESB932 The Byzantine and Islamic Worlds in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
LET-GESB931 Romeinse keizertijd: sociale geschiedenis

Specialisation Courses Economic, Social and Demographic History
LET-GESB961 Who built America? (1) Change and struggle in the social history of the United States (c. 1775 -1877) 
LET-GESB962 Who built America? (2) Change and struggle in the social history of the United States (1877 - present)
LET-GESB963 American identities. Social differences and struggle in postwar America, 1945 - present

Specialisation Courses Political History
LET-GESB925 Inleiding Politieke Geschiedenis
LET-GESB951 Politieke cultuur (choice)
LET-GESB927 Stem van het volk (choice)
LET-GESB926 History of International organisations

Specialisation Courses Cultural History
LET-GESB950 Inleiding in de cultuurgeschiedenis. Steden, stromingen, wendingen 
LET-GESB951 Politieke cultuur
LET-GESB952 Op zoek naar de ware Nederlander. De verbeelding van volk en karakter, 1750 tot heden

**Thematic Courses:
The English taught courses are bold. Comparative European History student that speak Dutch can also choose one of the courses taught in Dutch.

LET-GESB2207 From Victorian Prudery to Temptation Island. Love and sexuality in the 19th, 20th and 21st century
LET-GESB2212 Omstanders en de Holocaust
LET-GESB2214 Populism and Propaganda in the Roman World
LET-GESB2215 Lokale democratie. De ontwikkeling van politiek, journalistiek en democratische cultuur in de gemeente sinds 1848.
LET-GESB2216 Van Rembrandts snor tot het bed van Tracey Emin. Visuele cultuur en gender, 1500-2000.
LET-GESB2217 Simple Past - Future Tense:  Life, Death and the End of Time in the Middle Ages