Within the Research Master's programme Linguistics and Communication Sciences there are essentially three types of courses:
- Compulsory courses; these are obligatory for all students enrolled in the research master Linguistics and Communication Sciences .
- Specialization courses; these are electives courses that are offered at Radboud University as part of the Linguistics and Communication Sciences programme.
Students enrolled in the Linguistics and Communication Sciences programme may also consider taking courses from Radboud University's Cognitive Neuroscience (CNS) programme or Tilburg University (TiU, ReMa Linguistics and Communication Sciences). For an overview of relevant courses see under CNS courses and TiU courses respectively
Students can opt to replace one specialization course (max. 6 EC) with a course from a regular Master’s programme, for example the Nijmegen Linguistics or Artificial Intelligence programme, or from the Tilburg Communication and Information Sciences programme. However, if they wish to do so, this must be approved by the examination board before taking the course.
Finally, students can participate in courses offered during the summer and winter schools organized, for example, by one of the national research schools (e.g. the Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap – LOT,; School for Information and Knowledge Systems - SIKS, Course credits from research schools can be included in the examination programme up to a maximum of 12 EC. Depending on the course they can be registered under 'specialisation' or 'skills/methods'.
3. Skills and methods courses; these are courses offered at Radboud University as part of the Linguistics and Communication Sciences programme. In these courses students acquire or develop particular skills, or gain experience in applying specific methods or techniques that are relevant to their specialization. Additional courses are offered by Tilburg University as part of the Linguistics and Communication Sciences programme. For an overview of relevant courses, see under TiU courses.
NOTE: Students enrolled in the Linguistics and Communication Sciences programme may also consider taking skills and methods courses offered elsewhere. Courses must be approved by the examination board before taking the course. Requests for approval can be made through