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Transition rules and final resits second year courses

Overview of final resits and transition rules for students who started in 2018 or before
Students can deviate from the rules below via a request to the examination board. Make sure you consult your student advisor and the schedule.

A - The following courses will offer a final resit under the old course code at an appropriate time

Please note that this may not be the same period the course was given before. Check the schedule. In some cases the course content is now given within another course. Please check the transition rules (D) to see how you may prepare for the final resit.

The transition rules (D) also state which course replaces a course that you did not yet follow.

These courses offer a final resit


NWI-MOL012       Mechanics 2A

First part of NWI-MOL160

NWI-MOL025       Electricity & Magnetism 2A

Second part of NWI-MOL160

NWI-MOL028       Statistics

Part of NWI-MOL150 Data: Statistics and Programming

NWI-MOL031       Biochemistry in the Living Cell

NWI-MOL033       Programming in Matlab

Part of NWI-MOL150 Data: Statistics and Programming

NWI-MOL036       General Physiology

Course content now part of
NWI-MOL167 Comparative Physiology 6ec

NWI-MOL037       Molecular Life Sciences and Society

NWI-MOL038       Genetics

Part of NWI-MOL158 Biomolecules at Work

NWI-MOL041       Quantum Mechanics 1

First part of NWI-MOL155 Quantum Mechanics

NWI-MOL042       Fourier Analysis

Part of NWI-MOL153 Data: Analysis and Techniques

NWI-MOL044       Inorganic Chemistry Lab

Can be taken during NWI-MOL163 Synthesis Lab 2

NWI-MOL045       Microscopic Techniques

Part of NWI-MOL153 Data: Analysis and Techniques

NWI-MOL046       Quantum Mechanics 2

Second part of NWI-MOL155 Quantum Mechanics

NWI-MOL050       Condensed Matter

NWI-MOL075       Bioinformatics A

NWI-MOL076       Programming: Matlab

Part of NWI-MOL150 Data

NWI-MOL085       Programming in Matlab NW

Part of NWI-MOL150 Data

B – The following courses have been replaced (Basically the same course, new code, new name)

Instead of the exam in

Students will take this exam

NWI-MOL047       Synthesis of Biomolecules

NWI-MOL161       Organic Chemistry 2

NWI-MOL048A    Organic Chemistry Lab

NWI-MOL163       Synthesis Lab 2

NWI-MOL049A    Chemical Biology Project*

NWI-MOL163       Synthesis Lab 2

NWI-MOL102       Inorganic Chemistry

NWI-MOL162       Inorganic Chemistry 1

* This lab project will be given one last time in Q1

C – Courses that will be given in full (at least) one last time:

NWI-MOL034       Condensed Matter Laboratory


NWI-MOL039       Fysisch Practicum


NWI-MOL051       Project Spectroscopie


NWI-MOL092       Panorama Science: Energy&Sustainability


D – Transition rules:
Students who missed an entire course, or for whom a final resit is not an option can use the transition rules. The replacement course may deal with different content than the old course:

Instead of following the course

Students follow

NWI-MOL012       Mechanics 2A (3 ec)
+ NWI-MOL025   Electricity & Magnetism 2A (3 ec)

NWI-MOL160       Mechanics, Electricity, and Magnetism 2 (6 ec)

NWI-MOL028       Statistics

+ NWI-MOL033/MOL076/MOL085 Matlab

NWI-MOL150       Data: Statistics and Programming (6 ec)

NWI-MOL036       General Physiology (3 ec)

NWI-MOL167       Comparative Physiology (6 ec)

NWI-MOL041       Quantum Mechanics 1 (3 ec)

+ NWI-MOL046   Quantum Mechanics 2 (3 ec)

NWI-MOL155       Quantum Mechanics (6 ec)

NWI-MOL042       Fourier Analysis (3 ec)
+ NWI-MOL045   Microscopic Techniques (3 ec)

NWI-MOL151       Data: Analysis and Techniques (6 ec)

NWI-MOL050       Condensed Matter (3 ec)

NWI-MOL157       Physical Organic Chemistry (3 ec) replaces MOL050 with different content

NWI-MOL075       Bioinformatics A (3 ec)

NWI-MOL152       Data: Bioinformatics (3 ec)

NWI-MOL028 Statistics

Follow part of MOL150, take final resit

NWI-MOL031       Biochemistry in the Living Cell

NWI-MOL158 Biomolecules at Work (6 ec)

NWI-MOL038       Genetics

NWI-MOL158 Biomolecules at Work (6 ec)

NWI-MOL037       Molecular Life Sciences and Society (3 ec)

NWI-MOL170       Panorama Science and Society 1 (6 ec)

NWI-MOL033/MOL076/MOL085 Matlab

Follow part of MOL150, take final resit

NWI-MOL042 Fourier Analysis

Follow part of MOL151, take final resit

NWI-MOL045 Microscopic Techniques

Follow part of MOL151, take final resit

NWI-MOL044 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

NWI-MOL163 Synthesis Lab 2

E – Courses that will not change


(New) quarter

NWI-MOL016       Linear Algebra

(Science students can take NWI-MOL153 Linear Algebra for Science Students)


NWI-MOL027       DNA Technology


NWI-MOL032       Crystal Structure


NWI-MOL040       Thermodynamics 2


NWI-MOL054       Toxicology


NWI-MOL056       Chemical Bonding


NWI-MOL105       Inorganic Biochemistry


NWI-MOL035       Chemistry and Society

Third year elective course in 2020-2021

NWI-MOL043       Bio-inorganic Chemistry

Third year elective course