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Course guides
Faculty of Arts, 2021-2022
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Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen
Arts and Culture Studies
Arts and Culture Studies
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
Binding Study Advice
RADAr: Academic diagnostic assessment of English/Dutch
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
Minor / elective course
Graduation procedure
General information
General information
General information
General guide to the Bachelor's degree programme
Academic counselling and mentoring
Rules and procedures
Transition arrangements
Study association
Points of contact
Humanities core curriculum
Content warnings
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
Course index
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen
Comparative European History
Comparative European History
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
Binding Study Advice
RADAr: Academic diagnostic assessment of English/Dutch
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
General information
General information
General information
General guide to the Bachelor's degree programme
Academic counselling and mentoring
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
Course index
Duitse Taal en Cultuur
English Language and Culture
English Language and Culture
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
The first year (B1)
Binding Study Advice
RADAr: Academic diagnostic assessment of English/Dutch
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The second year (B2)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
The third year (B3)
Graduation procedure
General information
General information
Aims & follow-up degree programmes
General guide to the bachelor degree programme
Academic counselling and mentoring
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Content warnings
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
Course index
Griekse en Latijnse Taal en Cultuur
International Business Communication
International Business Communication
The first year programme (B1)
The first year programme (B1)
The first-year programme (B1)
Binding Study Advice
RADAr: Academic diagnostic assessment of English/Dutch
The second year programme (B2)
The second year programme (B2)
The second-year programme (B2)
The third year programme (B3)
The third year programme (B3)
The third-year programme (B3)
Graduation procedure
General information
General information
General information
General guide to the Bachelor's degree programme
Academic counselling and mentoring
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Humanities core curriculum
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
Course index
Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur
Romaanse Talen en Culturen
Study Guides other faculties
Arts and Culture
Arts and Culture
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
Creative Industries
Creative Industries
Programme and learning outcomes
Overview programme
Tourism and Culture
Tourism and Culture
Programme and learning outcomes
Overview programme
Kunstbeleid en Kunstbedrijf
Course index
Communication and Information Studies
Communication and Information Studies
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
Communicatie en Beïnvloeding
International Business Communication
International Business Communication
Overview programme IBC
Course index
Europese Studies
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
Geschiedenis en Actualiteit
Politiek en Parlement
Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean Worlds
Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean Worlds
Programme and learning outcomes
Overview programme
Course index
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
General Linguistics
General Linguistics
Programme and Learning Outcomes
Overview programme
Language and Communication Coaching
Language and Communication Coaching
Programme and Learning Outcomes
Overview programme
Taal en Spraakpathologie (TSP)
Nederlands als Tweede Taal: Docent en Expert
Course index
North American Studies
North American Studies
General information
General information
General information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Pre-Master programmes
Rules and procedures
Study association
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
Transatlantic Studies: History, Culture and Politics
Transatlantic Studies: History, Culture and Politics
Overview programme
Course index
Research Master Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies
Research Master Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies
General information
General information
General information
Programme information
Admission requirements and exemption regulations
Extra information about the Research Training (plus internship manual)
Funding possibilities
Rules and procedures
Points of contact
Organisation around your studies
Organisation around your studies
Information for students from other programmes
General Programme
General Programme
Overview programme
Historical Studies
Historical Studies
Study Programme Specialization Historical Studies
Overview programme
Art and Visual Culture
Art and Visual Culture
Study Programme Specialization Art and Visual Culture
Overview programme
Literary Studies
Literary Studies
Study Programme Specialization Literary Studies
Overview programme
Course index
Research Master in Linguistics and Communication Sciences
Research Master in Linguistics and Communication Sciences
General information
General information
About the programme
Admission and enrollment
Organization, contact
Programme information
Programme information
Final attainment level
Schematic outline
Course information
Course information
Compulsory courses
Specialization courses
Skills and methods
Administrative organization
Administrative organization
Registering for a course or exam
Lecture and examination schedules
Education and Examination Regulations
Graduation procedure
Fraud and plagiarism
Forms and protocols
Practical information
Practical information
Academic calendar
Funding possibilities
Course index
Prospectuses other faculties
Courses for exchange students
Courses for exchange students
Course Index
Art History
Art History
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
American art: from the humble to the exalted
Glory of the Renaissance and Baroque in Italy and the Netherlands
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Expansion and Reflection: Vision and Thought in the Dutch Republic
Perspectives on Photography: History and Theory
Business Communication Studies
Business Communication Studies
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Corporate Communication
English for specific business purposes
Intercultural Communication
Internal Communication
Language and Communication
Marketing Communication
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Global Corporate Communication
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Information Science
Intercultural Communication
Language and Thought
Language Management in International Organisations
Organisation and Management
Social media and new media
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Crisis and Reputation Management
Issues in International Management
Communication in Professional Contexts
Classical Languages and Culture
Classical Languages and Culture
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Classical mythology in text and images
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Classical Archaeology: Field Survey
Classical Traditions 1 (Agamemnon)
MA Seminar Greek and Roman Archaeology
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Classical Traditions 2 (Epic)
Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
City Culture
Data Culture
European Culture
History of the Western Arts 1: From Antiquity to the Renaissance
History of the Western Arts 2: From Baroque to Romanticism
Image, Music and Text Analysis
Literary, Music and Film Analysis
Visual Culture
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Core Course Creative Industries
Creativity and Arts Education
Cultural Sustainability
Sustainable Creativity
Working in the Creative Industries
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Cultural Theory
Gender and the Arts
History of the Western Arts 3: 1850-1940
History of the Western Arts 4: 1940 - Present
Literary Theory: An Introduction
Organizing the Creative Industries
Vulgar Culture
Working through Fashion
Dutch Language and Culture (courses offered in Dutch)
Dutch Language and Culture (courses offered in Dutch)
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Bijbel en Klassieken in de Nederlandstalige literatuur
De Nederlandse canon van middeleeuwen tot heden
Dutch (Business) Culture and Labour Market
Historisch en modern letterkundig onderzoek
Inleiding Psycholinguïstiek
Literaire theorie en analyse
Literatuur en engagement in Verlichting en Romantiek
Middeleeuwse auteurs als entertainers en moraalridders
Semantiek en Morfologie
Taal, Communicatie en Media
Taal in Actie: Discourse-analyse
The Dutch Identity
The Dutch Language
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Argumentatie, retorica en publiek debat
De 'ander' in de moderne Vlaamse literatuur
Dutch (Business) Culture and Labour Market
Kwantitatieve methoden
Literatuur en autonomie in de 20ste eeuwse literatuur
Literatuur en identiteit in de Gouden Eeuw
Middelnederlands en Vroegnieuwnederlands
Publieksgericht schrijven
Realisme en secularisering in de 19de eeuwse literatuur
Rol en functie van Nederlandstalige literatuur in de 21ste eeuw
Taalverandering in context
The Dutch Identity
The Dutch Language
English Language and Culture
English Language and Culture
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
British Culture and History
British Literature and Culture of the 17th and 18th Century
Dead or Alive? The Contemporary British Novel
English as a World Language
Fools and Furies: The Early Modern Stage
From Sounds to Words
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Divination and the Mantic Arts: Predicting the Future in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Beyond Britishness: the Construction of Identities in Literature and Culture
British Literature and Culture of the 19th and 20th Century
English from Old to New
I Made the Devil do it: Conjuring Spirits in Late Medieval England
Language Change
Screening the Novel
Syntax 1
Syntax 2
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Mapping Metamodernism: The Reception of Contemporary British Fiction as Modernist
French Language and Culture (courses offered in French)
French Language and Culture (courses offered in French)
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Cinéma et identité dans le monde francophone
Compétences langagières 1
Compétences langagières 2
Compétences langagières 5
Compétences langagières 6
Histoire de la culture française 1: Du Moyen Age aux Lumières
La France au XXIe siècle
Langue, culture et société
Littérature et révolution (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)
Théories et méthodes
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Acquisition et apprentissage
Compétences langagières 3
Compétences langagières 4
Écriture scientifique
Histoire de la culture française 2: Du Romantisme à nos jours
Littérature et avant-garde (XXe-XXIe siècle)
Séminaire de recherche
State of the Art Research
Sur les traces de la langue française
The migrant novel in French
Traduction F-N
German Language and Culture (courses offered in German)
German Language and Culture (courses offered in German)
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autor und Werk
Grundlagen der deutschen Grammatik
Interkulturelle Kommunikation Niederlande-Deutschland
Lyrik, Poesie, Poetry
Sprachenlernen in Theorie und Praxis
Sprachpraxis Deutsch
Wendepunkte der deutschen Geschichte
Wie liest man Literatur?
Wissenschaftliches Schreiben und Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Mündliche Sprachkompetenz
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Fragen des 21. Jahrhunderts: aktuelle politische und gesellschaftliche Debatten in Deutschland
Geschichte der deutschen Literatur
Geschichte des Deutschen: Historische Linguistik
Kommunikation in Kultur und Gesellschaft
Sprachwissenschaft 1: Phonetik und Phonologie
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Historiographical Debates in European History 1
Identity and Diversity in European History
Introduction to Comparative European History 1
Introduction to Comparative European History 2
Thematic Seminar Changing answers to the "social question" 1870-1940
Thematic Seminar Sense & the city. Urban Space and Experience (19th and early 20th Century)
Who built America? (1) Change and struggle in the social history of the United States (c. 1775 - 1877)
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Historiography and Theory: Culture, Memory and Cultural Memory
Research Seminar Curing and curating crises: A transhistorical perspective
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
American identities. Social differences and struggle in postwar America, 1945 - present
Environmental History
Historiographical Debates in European History 2
History of International organisations
Philosophy of History
The Byzantine and Islamic Worlds in the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Thematic Seminar Populism and Propaganda in the Roman World
Thematic Seminar Simple Past - Future Tense: Life, Death and the End of Time in the Middle Ages
Thematic Seminar Voice of the People
Who built America? (2) Change and struggle in the social history of the United States (1877 - present)
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Coins and History: How to unravel the past through financial and economic media
Elective I
Elective II
Roman Law and Society
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
Cognitieve communicatiestoornissen ten gevolge van verworven hersenletsel
Verdieping taalstoornissen
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Het leren en onderwijzen van Nederlands als tweede taal
Inleiding taal- en spraakpathologie
Van woord tot zin
Spring Semester / Master
Spring Semester / Master
Computer-assisted Language Learning
Languages and society: Variation and diversity
Linguistic universals and diversity
Sign Language Linguistics
North America Studies
North America Studies
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
America on Record: Introduction to American Music
American History and Politics I
American Political System: Experiments in Democracy
Introduction to American Cultural Studies
Mediating “America”
Research Seminar: Politics and Cultures of the Black Freedom Struggle
The Challenges of Political Leadership: Comparing the US and the Netherlands
Autumn Semester / Master
Autumn Semester / Master
American Culture in a Global Context: Imagining America in text, image and music
Current issues in Transatlantic relations: Power, Principles and Protest
Practices of Transatlantic Studies
The Foundations of Transatlantic Relations: Domestic Politics and International Relations
The Red and Black Atlantic: Transatlantic Constructs of Race, Culture, and Identity
Theories of Transatlantic Studies
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
American History and Politics II
American Popular Culture
Modern and Contemporary North American Literature
Research Seminar: Identity and Cultural Diversity
Survey American Literature
United States Foreign Relations
Spanish Language and Culture (courses offered in Spanish)
Spanish Language and Culture (courses offered in Spanish)
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Autumn Semester / Bachelor
Español 1
Español 2
Español 5
Lengua, Cultura y Sociedad
Struggles of identity in the Hispanic world
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Spring Semester / Bachelor
Crossing Borders in the Hispanic World
Español 3
Español 4
Español 6
Español como segunda lengua: teoría y aplicación
Historia y cultura de las drogas en el mundo hispánico
La cultura de los derechos humanos en el mundo hispánico
Teoría y práctica de la investigación
Texto y contexto: metodología para el análisis cultural y literario
Variedades del español
Studying at the Faculty of Arts as an Exchange Student
Minor / elective course
Minor / elective course
Students who started in 2018-2019 or later
Students who started in 2018-2019 or later
The rules regarding minors
Types of minors
Thematic minors
What does my third year look like if I choose a thematic minor?
Bridging programmes
Disciplinary packages
Disciplinary packages
Disciplinary package German Language and Culture
Disciplinary package French language and culture
Disciplinary package Spanish language and culture
Disciplinary package Dutch Language, Culture and Communication
Study Abroad minor (40 EC)
Study Abroad minor (40 EC)
Alternatives Study abroad minor
Study abroad: major or elective courses in semester 2
What does my third year look like if I choose the study abroad minor?
About the think tank
About the think tank
Individual internship at a company or an organisation
Individual research internship
Students who started before September 2018
Students who started before September 2018
The rules regarding minors
Types of minors
Transitional scheme
Overview offer minors
Overview offer minors
Arts and Culture Studies
Dutch Language, Culture and Communication
English Language and Culture
International Business Communication
Elective Minor Arts
Internship Minor
Study Abroad Minor (30 ec)
Study Abroad Minor (30 ec)
Information for students from other faculties
Information for students from other faculties
Dutch Language, Culture and Communication
Minors at other faculties
Pre-master programmes
Pre-master programmes
Pre-master International Business Communication
Pre-master International Business Communication
General information
General information
Points of contact
Objective & further studies
Rules and procedures
Academic counselling and mentoring
Study association
Organisation of your study programme
Pre-master programmes International Business Communication
Pre-master programmes International Business Communication
International Business Communication 60
Short International Business Communication HBO 30
Short International Business Communication WO 30
Educational pre-master
Educational pre-master
General information
General information
Points of contact
Objective & further studies
Rules and procedures
Academic counselling and mentoring
Organisation of your study programme
Pre-master programmes Educational pre-masters
Pre-master programmes Educational pre-masters
Educational pre-master English - package A
Educational pre-master English - package B
Educational pre-master English - package C
Pre-master History
Pre-master History
General information
General information
Points of contact
Objective & further studies
Rules and procedures
Academic counselling and mentoring
Study association
Organisation of your study programme
Pre-master programmes History
Pre-master programmes History
English 60
Pre-master Arts and Culture Studies
Pre-master Arts and Culture Studies
General information
General information
Points of contact
Objective & further studies
Rules and procedures
Academic counselling and mentoring
Study association
Organisation of your study programme
Pre-master programmes Creative Industries
Pre-master programmes Creative Industries
KCW pre-master Creative Industries 60
KCW pre-master short Creative Industries 30
KCW pre-master short Creative Industries WO 30 (September start)
KCW pre-master short Creative Industries WO 30 (February start)
Pre-master programmes Tourism and Culture
Pre-master programmes Tourism and Culture
KCW pre-master Tourism and Culture 60
KCW pre-master short Tourism & Culture 30
Pre-master North American Studies
Pre-master North American Studies
General information
General information
Points of contact
Objective & further studies
Rules and procedures
Academic counselling and mentoring
Study association
Organisation of your study programme
Pre-master programme North American Studies
Pre-master programme North American Studies
North American Studies 60
Course guides Radboud University
Course guide Faculty of Arts
Minor / elective course
Pre-master programmes
Course guides Radboud University