Admission requirements
Admission requirements for the Bachelor’s degree programmes in Chemistry and Molecular Life Sciences are briefly described below. For detailed information about registration and admission, please visit the Radboud University admission website. If after this you have any questions, please contact the student advisor.
Proficiency in English
The Chemistry programme and the Molecular Life Sciences programme are open to international students and will be taught entirely in English. Sufficient proficiency in English is part of the admission requirements. Students with a Dutch VWO diploma are considered to be sufficiently proficient. Details for other countries can be found on the admission website.
HBO Bachelor’s diploma
HBO students who have an HBO Bachelor’s in Chemistry or Chemical Technology are automatically admissible to the Bachelor’s programmes in Chemistry, Molecular Life Sciences and Science.
Via a pre-Master’s programme (60 EC), an HBO Bachelor Chemistry or Chemical Technology student can be admitted to the Master’s degree programmes in Molecular Sciences.
Apart from a Pre-Master's after finishing your HBO Bachelor's, the institute for Molecular Sciences offers a programme that you can use in your HBO Bachelor's programme as a minor. This programme contains 30 EC and is scheduled in the first semester of the academic year.
Make sure that you contact the student advisor Wilma Philipse: (024-365 3173). For the minor, you should, of course, also consult your coordinator at school.
Goals and Competences
Bachelor |
Chemistry |
Knowledge and understanding |
- Major aspects of chemical terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units
- The major types of chemical reactions and the main characteristics associated with them
- The principles and procedures used in chemical analysis and the characterisation of chemical compounds
- The principal techniques of structural investigations, including spectroscopy
- The characteristics of the different states of matter and the theories used to describe them.
- The principles of thermodynamics and their applications to chemistry
- The principles of quantum mechanics and their application to the description of the structure and properties of atoms and molecules
- The kinetics of chemical change, including catalysis; the mechanistic interpretation of chemical reactions
- The characteristic properties of elements and their compounds, including group relationships and trends within the Periodic Table
- The structural features of chemical elements and their compounds, including stereochemistry
- The properties of aliphatic, aromatic, heterocyclic and organometallic compounds
- The nature and behaviour of functional groups in organic molecules
- Major synthetic pathways in organic chemistry, involving functional group interconversions and carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bond formation
- The relation between bulk properties and the properties of individual atoms and molecules, including macromolecules (both natural and man-made), polymers and other related materials
- The structure and reactivity of important classes of biomolecules and the chemistry of important biological processes.
Applying knowledge and understanding |
- The capacity to apply knowledge in practice, in particular problem-solving competences, relating to both qualitative and quantitative information
- Numeracy and calculation skills, including such aspects as error analysis, order-of-magnitude estimations, and correct use of units.
- Information-management competences, in relation to primary and secondary information sources, including information retrieval through on-line computer searches.
- Information-technology skills such as word-processing and spreadsheet use, data-logging and storage, subject-related use of the Internet.
- Skills in planning and time management.
Making judgements |
- Ability to analyse material and synthesise concepts.
- Ability to include aspects of safety and environment, ethical, societal and economic consequences of (bio)chemical, and technological changes in the design of products
- The capacity to adapt to new situations and to make decisions
Communication |
- Interpersonal skills, relating to the ability to interact with other people and to engage in team-working.
- Communication competences, covering both written and oral communication, in one of the major European languages (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish).
Lifelong learning skills |
- Study competences needed for continuing professional development. These will include in particular the ability to work autonomously
- Ethical commitment