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Transition rules Computing Science third year

[Page updated on November 3rd, 2021.]
In the third year, the following changes have been implemented.

  • The course NWI-IBC037 Law for Computer Scientists is no longer taught. Instead, the third year now contains the course NWI-IBC047 Law, Privacy and Identity (3 EC), which has merged the content of NWI-IBC037 Law for Computer Scientists (3 EC) and NWI-IBC038 Privacy and Identity (3 EC). As the new course is 3 EC and each of the old courses was also 3 EC, the new course cannot be used as an equivalent for either of the previous courses. If you are studying in curriculum 2018 or before and still need to complete either NWI-IBC037 Law for Computer Scientists or NWI-IBC038 Privacy and Identity in your programme, please check the Transition rules Computing Science second year and contact your study advisor to discuss options.

  • The course NWI-IBC039 Organizing Cyber Security is no longer taught. If you are studying in curriculum 2018 or before, with Cyber Security specialisation 24 EC, you can choose 6 ec from one of the other specialisation courses instead. This is in line with the transition towards the new curriculum where a combination of two specialisations is chosen. Please consult the study advisor to discuss options.
Courses no longer taught in 2021-2022
Transition rules
  • NWI-IBC037 Law for Computer Scientists.
    In 2021-2022, the content of this course has been merged with that of NWI-IBC038 Privacy and Identity in the new course NWI-IBC047 Law, Privacy and Identity.
A final exam opportunity for NWI-IBC037 Law for Computer Scientists is offered at the end of Q3.
If you do not pass this opportunity, please check the Transition rules Computing Science second year  for different scenarios that are applicable.
  • NWI-IBC039 Organizing Cyber Security.
    In view of the redesigned curriculum, this course will no longer be offered as of 2021-2022.
Students may select 6 EC of the other specialisation courses within the curriculum.