Programme of Science and Education
Dear student,
We are working on solutions for hybrid education that will take place online and on campus. Therefore the instructional modes, number of exams, the form of the exams and/or assignments may change. You will be informed through Brightspace in case of changes. The course information in the Course guide provides an indication of what you can expect in the course.
In the case of not being able to attend one or more practical courses/lab days due to corona measures, the course coordinator will decide if the student is obligated to re-take the missed meeting and how this will take place.
The Master's specialisation in Science and Education consists of two years.
During your first year, you follow courses and electives that are specific to the master's programme you've enrolled in.
Please note that the Science and Education part of the programme is taught in Dutch, as it prepares you for teaching on Dutch secondary schools!
First year:
The following Biology-specific components are part of the programme when you take the Master's specialisation in Science and Education within the Master's in Biology:
a. Courses in Biology (15 EC)
You have to follow a set of courses that match the compulsory courses for one of the thematic specialisations:
- Adaptive Organisms
- Conservation and Restoration Ecology
- Water and Environment
- Microbiology (choose 15 of the 18 EC)
b. Science internship: NWI-BM-STAGEE1 (30EC)
Your science internship has to be done under supervision of one of the examinators of the IWWR, with one of the following chairs:
- Animal Ecology and Ecophysiology
- Aquatic Ecology and Environmental Biology
- Environmental Science
- Experimental Plant Ecology
- Ecological Microbiology
- Molecular Interaction Ecology
- Molecular Plant Physiology
- Organismal Animal Physiology
- Mechanisms of Inflammatory Diseases
- Medical Microbiology
- Medical Immunology
c. Review article - NWI-BM-REVIEWART (6 EC)
Review article can be replaced by Field Course Alpine Ecology (NWI-BM040B)
OR Field Course Ireland (NWI-BM048B)
(NB: both field courses are offered in alternating years)
d. Master Portfolio Biosciences (0 EC)
e. Philosophy course (3 EC)
f. Free elective (6 EC)
Second year:
The courses and activities that are specific for this Master's specialisation, are offered by the "Radboud Docenten Academie - RDA".
The programme they offer is intensive and does not leave room for other -(medical) biology- courses.