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Master's thesis

---  Please note: the procedures described on this page and the pages referred to below may change in the course of academic year 2021-2022. If so, these changes will be announced here and incorporated in below text.  ---

In your master's thesis, you will prove that you are able to analyse a problem in Computing or Information Science at master level and design a solution for this problem using scientific methods and techniques. It is possible to combine your research for the master's project with an internship in a suitable company.

To help you form ideas about a project and/or supervisor and/or company for your thesis research, you can visit the master thesis market which will be organized at the end of Q1.

  • Procedures

The procedural steps and practicalities of starting and handing in your thesis are determined by the faculty as described on this page. Please take note of these regulations and the necessary steps therein!

  • Master Thesis Lab (MTL)

For Computing and Information Sciences, you can find additional information on the pages of the Master Thesis Lab (MTL), which is coordinated by the master thesis coordinator Patrick van Bommel. Here you can find further guidelines and information on:

  • General information
  • Procedures
  • Projects
  • Results

The MTL is a semi-autonomous student research institute. The projects within this institute are planned and carried out by students, and reflect their own fields of interest. At the same time, the results of these projects serve the purpose of Master Thesis for the final assignment of the studies in Computing and Information Science. The MTL research covers purely academic as well as business-oriented goals, and is embedded within larger research projects of the university.

If you do an external project in a company, you must yield a result which is acceptable for the university as well as for the company. This is your own responsibility. You should follow all procedures given on the MTL-webitse.

Before graduating you have to deliver a hard copy of your thesis to the secretary of the department where you have written your thesis, and an electronic version of your thesis (PDF) to your thesis supervisor. The latter will make sure that your thesis will be archived electronically.

Contact the master thesis coordinator Patrick van Bommel (P.vanBommel@cs.ru.nl) if you need more information.