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Who are we?

The Artificial Intelligence programme is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Artificial Intelligence is an independent programme that culminates in the Bachelor's and eventually the Master’s of Artificial Intelligence degrees.

We have recently moved to the brand new Maria Montessoribuilding.

AI works in close cooperation with the Donders Centre for Cognition (DCC).

General information can be obtained from the Programme Secretary T: 024-361 2633 E: secretary@ai.ru.nl.

Staff Members

Members who have (NWI), (LET), (CW) or (DCC) behind their names are lecturers teaching courses in the AI curriculum but not AI staff members. (NWI) stands for Faculty of Science, (LET) stands for Faculty of Arts, (CW) for Communication Science and (DCC) for Donders Centre for Cognition.

Name email address
Prof. M.A.J. van Gerven m.vangerven@donders.ru.nl
Education Director
Dr. J.H.P. Kwisthout j.kwisthout@donders.ru.nl

Academic Staff Members/Lecturers

Dr. S. Ahmadi sara.ahmadi.1@ru.nl
Dr. P.M. Achten (NWI) peter.achten@ru.nl
Dr. L. Ambrogioni luca.ambrogioni@donders.ru.nl
Dr. R.S. van Bergen ruben.vanbergen@ru.nl
Dr M. Blokpoel mark.blokpoel@donders.ru.nl
Dr. P. van Bommel (NWI) patrick.vanbommel@ru.nl
Prof. T. Bosse (CW) tibor.bosse@ru.nl
Dr. F. Ciompi (CS) francesco.ciompi@ru.nl
Dr. T. Claassen (NWI) tom.claassen@ru.nl
Dr. O. Colizoli olympia.colizoli@donders.ru.nl
Prof. P.W.M. Desain peter.desain@donders.ru.nl
N. Donselaar MSc nils.donselaar@donders.ru.nl
Dr. R. Duarte renato.duarte@donders.ru.nl
Dr. H. Fitz hartmut.fitz@donders.ru.nl
Dr. L. Geerligs linda.geerligs@donders.ru.nl
Dr. P.C. Groot (NWI) perry.groot@ru.nl
Dr. U. Güçlü umut.gueclue@donders.ru.nl
Dr. Y. Güçlütürk yagmur.guecluetuerk@donders.ru.nl
Dr. O. Guest olivia.guest@donders.ru.nl
Dr. W.F.G. Haselager pim.haselager@donders.ru.nl
Prof. T.M. Heskes (NWI) tom.heskes@ru.nl
Dr. M. Hinne max.hinne@donders.ru.nl
Dr. E.M.G.M. Hubbers (NWI) e.hubbers@cs.ru.nl
Dr. T. Kachman tal.kachman@donders.ru.nl
Dr. S.W. Keemink sander.keemink@donders.ru.nl
Dr. T.C. Kietzmann tim.kietzmann@donders.ru.nl
Dr. A.V. Kleinherenbrink (CAOS) annelies.kleinherenbrink@ru.nl
Dr. N. Kohn (DCC) n.kohn@donders.ru.nl
Dr. P.W.M. Koopman (NWI) pieter.koopman@ru.nl
Dr. L.P. Lanillos Pradas pablo.lanillos@donders.ru.nl
Prof. M.A. Larson (LET) martha.larson@ru.nl
Dr. F.T.M. Léoné (DCC) frank.leone@donders.ru.nl
Prof. J.M. McQueen (DCC) james.mcqueen@donders.ru.nl
Dr. G. Mecacci giulio.mecacci@donders.ru.nl
Dr. L.E.C. Miller (DCC) luke.miller@donders.ru.nl
Dr. H.E.M. den Ouden (DCC) hanneke.denouden@donders.ru.nl
Dr. M.V. Peelen (DCC) marius.peelen@donders.ru.nl
Prof. I.J.E.I. van Rooij iris.vanrooij@donders.ru.nl
Prof. H.J. Schriefers (DCC) herbert.schriefers@donders.ru.nl
Dr. L. Selen (DCC) luc.selen@donders.ru.nl
Dr. M. Shahsavari mahyar.shahsavari@donders.ru.nl
M.A. De Sa Siqueira MSc marianna.desasiqueira@ru.nl
Dr. E. Spaak eelke.spaak@ru.nl
Dr. M.W. Tangermann michael.tangermann@donders.ru.nl
Dr. S.A. Terwijn (NWI) sebastiaan.terwijn@ru.nl
Dr. J. Thielen jordy.thielen@donders.ru.nl
Dr. S. Thill serge.thill@donders.ru.nl
Prof. A.P. de Vries (NWI) arjen.devries@ru.nl
Dr. F. Wiedijk (NWI) freek.wiedijk@ru.nl

Student advisors:
M. L. van Rootselaar MSc (B1)

Dr. Hömke Paul (B2, B3)

Dr J.C. Glimmerveen (Pre-master/Master)

Bachelor Coordinator: Dr. L. Selen

Bachelor Thesis Coordinator: Dr. F.T.M. Léoné

Master Coordinator
: Dr. G. Mecacci

Master Thesis Coordinator: Dr. M. Blokpoel

Coordinator Cognitive Computing: Dr. T. Kietzmann

Coordinator Intelligent Technology: Dr. P. Lanillos

Programme Coordinator: Drs. S.B. van Helden

Education Officer: L.E.C. Jacques

Scheduler/TA coordinator: E. Fokkink

International officer: Drs. P.F.T.M. Beckers

Quality Manager/Office Manager: Ms Susan Jones

+31 (0) 631 132 271

Office Manager: V. Ciherean


+31 (0) 631 132 496