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Cognitive Computing

Cognitive Computing - Specialisation programme

(This specialisation also has a double degree programme)

The coordinator of the Cognitive Computing specialisation is Tim Kietzmann - t.kietzmann@donders.ru.nl

Note: Courses with a DGCN code (*) are from the Research Masters Cognitive NeuroScience (CNS) programme. To take these courses, Artificial Intelligence Masters programme students must directly contact the head of the CNS program, Arno Koning, via email <a.koning@donders.ru.nl>, requesting to join the course including a one paragraph motivation.

Course code Course name EC
Compulsory Courses - 21 EC
SOW-MKI66 Advanced Academic & Professional Skills 6

Ethics for AI



Probabilistic Deep Learning



AI Research Colloquium


Final Project - 45 EC


Internship, and
Research Project

Extended Research Project



Specialisation courses
Selection of 18 EC

SOW-MKI40 Cognition and Complexity 6
SOW-MKI68 Cognitive Robotics 6
SOW-DGCN03(*) Neurophilosophy 6
SOW-MKI96 Neuromorphic Computing 6
SOW-MKI49 Neural Information Processing Systems 6
SOW-MKI56 Theoretical Foundations for Cognitive Agents 6
Specialisation electives - 18 EC
Any compulsory or specialisation course
SOW-MKI74 Advanced Brain-Computer Interfacing 6
NWI-NM085C Advanced Computational Neuroscience 6
NWI-NM048B Advanced Machine Learning 6
NWI-NM099B Hands-on Neuroscience 6
SOW-MKI72 AI for Healthcare 6
SOW-MKI73 AI for Neurotechnology 6
SOW-MKI76 AI in the Professional Workfield 3
SOW-MKI75 Applied Machine Learning 6
NWI-IMC012 Bayesian Networks 6
NWI-NM047D Computational Neuroscience 3
SOW-MKI95 Computer Graphics & Computer Vision 6
NWI-FFIL202A Evolution and the mind 3
SOW-MKI70 Human-Robot Interaction 6
NWI-IMC037 Intelligent Systems for Medical Imaging 6
SOW-DGCN23 (*) Motor Control 6
NWI-IMC042 Natural Computing 6
SOW-DGCN02 (*) Neuroimaging I 6
SOW-MKI78 Neuromorphic Engineering 3
SOW-MKI52 New Media Lab 6
SOW-DGCN44 (*) Perception 6
NWI-NM080B Quantitative Brain Networks 6
SOW-MKI79 Sensorimotor Neuroscience & Technology 6
LET-REMA-LCEX06 Text and Multimedia Mining 6
Free electives - 18 EC
Any Master course
SOW-MKI10 Capita Selecta 3
SOW-MKI20 Capita Selecta 6
SOW-MKI62 Research Seminar 6

Students who started before 2021 can look in Osiris to find the descriptions of earlier programmes. Also look in the Transitional Arrangements on the STIP site, especially if a course from your cohort's programme is not taught any more. In cases of doubt, contact the student advisor: Johanna.glimmerveen@ru.nl.