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Neurotechnology and Healthcare track

Course Code Course name EC
Compulsory Courses - 21 EC
SOW-MKI66 Advanced Academic & Professional Skills 6
SOW-MKI76 AI in the Professional Workfield 3
SOW-MKI75 Applied Machine Learning 6
SOW-MKI67 Ethics for AI 6
Final Project - 45 EC


Internship, and
Research Project

Extended Research Project

Specialisation Core Courses
Selection of 18 EC
Neurotechnology and Healthcare track
SOW-MKI74 Advanced Brain-Computer Interfacing 6
SOW-MKI72 AI for Healthcare 6
SOW-MKI73 AI for Neurotechnology 6
NWI-IMC037 Intelligent Systems for Medical Imaging 6
SOW-DGCN02 (*) Neuroimaging I 6
Specialisation Electives - 18 EC
Any compulsory or specialisation course
SOW-MKI71 AI Research Colloquium 3
NWI-NM102 The Auditory System 3
LET-REMA-LCEX10 (Automatic) Speech Recognition 6
SOW-MKI77 Bias in AI 3
SOW-MKI40 Cognition and Complexity 6
SOW-MKI68 Cognitive Robotics 6
NWI-I00155 Design of Embedded Systems 6
NWI-I00041 Information Retrieval 6
LET-REMA-LCEX19 Intro to Language and Speech Technology 6
NWI-IMC006 Law in Cyberspace 6
NWI-IMC042 Natural Computing 6
SOW-MKI49 Neural Information Processing Systems 6
SOW-MKI96 Neuromorphic Computing 6
SOW-DGCN03 (*) Neurophilosophy 6
SOW-MKI69 Probabilistic Deep Learning 6
SOW-DGCN26 (*) Social Neurocognition 6
SOW-MKI56 Theoretical Foundations for Cognitive Agents 6
NWI-FFIL215 Upgrading the Human? 3
Free Electives - 18 EC
Any Master course
SOW-MKI10 Capita Selecta 3
SOW-MKI20 Capita Selecta 6
SOW-MKI62 Research Seminar 6

Note: Courses with a DGCN code (*) are from the Research Masters Cognitive NeuroScience (CNS) programme. To take these courses, Artificial Intelligence Masters programme students must directly contact the head of the CNS program, Arno Koning, via email <arno.koning@donders.ru.nl>, requesting to join the course including a one paragraph motivation.