Preface and programme overview
The Master of Science programme Cognitive Neuroscience (MSc CNS programme) is an interdisciplinary research-master’s programme of the Radboud University and the Radboud UMC. The programme enrolls students with a Bachelor’s degree in cognitive science, behavioural science, (bio-)medical science, linguistics, natural science, or related discipline. Cognitive Neuroscience is the science of the cognitive and neural foundations of mental functions such as perception, action, language, memory, attention and emotion and is one of the key research areas of the Radboud University. Research in this field is carried out in the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. Future researchers in cognitive neuroscience are trained in the Donders Graduate School and the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Language Sciences. The MSc CNS programme is part of the Donders Graduate School.
The Cognitive Neuroscience research profile of the Donders Institute is characterized by four main research lines: (1) language and communication, (2) perception, action and decision-making, (3) development and life-long plasticity, and (4) natural computing and neurotechnology. The two-year MSc CNS programme has four specialisations that fully correspond to the abovementioned research lines of the Donders Institute. The programme is an excellent opportunity for students who want to prepare themselves for a career as a researcher. Next to coursework, the programme offers the student many opportunities for hands-on research experience. The MSc CNS programme is internationally oriented. All courses are in English.