Content warnings
- During this course, you will discuss socio-cultural issues with your peers. Some of those issues may be controversial and/or sensitive. Mutual respect, including respectful language, is vital for these discussions. It is up to all of us to ensure that the classroom climate always feels OK for all This is an academic course, and disagreement and debate are obviously central to what we do and indeed very welcome, but please be mindful of the fact that people may be positioned differently in terms of identity, experience, and emotional response.
- While the course program has content notifications for some of the texts based on the instructor’s perspective, these are not necessarily exhaustive. It is therefore your own responsibility to make sure you study the course schedule in advance so you know what to expect in terms of content and to be informed about the texts we study.
Tips & Optional phrases to add to syllabus:
- If you have any queries or like more information about any of the topics or materials, or fear that you may struggle with some of them, please contact me. Should you find yourself struggling during class, feel free to approach me during the break or afterwards. If you feel you need to leave the classroom, you can of course do so, but please contact me afterwards, so we can discuss the best way for you to catch up. You can always talk to your mentor or the study advisor if any personal issues affect your performance. You can also contact the Student Support Office for counselling, via
- In the course program add a red star or flag behind a text / movie etc. that you know may benefit from a content warning, potentially with an added acronym for the type of content, e.g. ‘DV’ for domestic violence (plus a short legenda explaining the acronyms)
- Add or tell students in class to look online beforehand for content warnings (e.g. Goodreads) as preparation. Here are some suggestions for databases that students can consult that you may want to add: