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Course Index

Bachelor Semester 1
Bachelor Semester 2
Master Semester 1
Master Semester 2

Bachelor Semester 1

Course code Course name
LET-TWB252 Afasie
LET-DTCB228 Ältere deutsche Sprache und Literatur
LET-ETCAMB207 America on Record: Introduction to American Music = FULL
LET-KGB275 American art: from the humble to the exalted
LET-ETCAMB103 American History and Politics I
LET-ETCAMB216 American Political System: The 2022 Midterm Elections
LET-ACWB105 Analyse van muziek, tekst en beeld
LET-KGB291 Art and Resistance in Latin America = FULL
LET-GESB964 Between Life and Death: The Extraordinary History of Ordinary People = FULL
LET-NTCB310 Bijbel en Klassieken in de Nederlandstalige literatuur
LET-ETCENB109 British Culture and History = FULL
LET-ETCENB201 British Literature and Culture of the 17th and 18th Century = FULL
LET-RTCBF118 Cinéma et identité dans le monde francophone
LET-ACWB301 City Culture = FULL
LET-RTCBF212 Compétences langagières approfondies 1
LET-RTCBF213 Compétences langagières approfondies 2
LET-CIWB150-IBC Corporate Communication
LET-ACWB209 Data Culture
LET-ETCENB202 Dead or Alive? The Contemporary British Novel
LET-LETMI-DLCC01 Dutch (Business) Culture and Labour Market
LET-ETCENB211 English as a World Language
LET-CIWER801 English for specific business purposes
LET-DTCB112 Erzähltexte und ihre Analyse
LET-RTCBS115 Español 1
LET-RTCBS116 Español 2
LET-RTCBS215 Español 5
LET-DTCB119 Euregio-Orientierung
LET-ACWB108 European Culture = FULL
LET-NTCB224 Fonologie
LET-ETCENB302 Fools and Furies: The Early Modern Stage = FULL
LET-ETCENB213 From Sounds to Words = FULL
LET-DTCB101 Grundlagen der deutschen Grammatik

Histoire de la culture française 1: Du Moyen Age aux Lumières


Historiographical Debates in European History 1 = FULL


Historiographical Debates in European History 2 = FULL


Historisch en modern letterkundig onderzoek

LET-ACWB101 History of the Western Arts 1: From Antiquity to the Renaissance
LET-ACWB102 History of the Western Arts 2: From Baroque to Romanticism
LET-GESB2102-CEH Identity and Diversity in European History = FULL
LET-ACWB105-ACS Image, Music and Text Analysis
LET-NTCB221 Inleiding Psycholinguïstiek
LET-CIWB152-IBC Intercultural Communication = FULL
LET-CIWB262-IBC Internal Communication
LET-ETCAMB108 Introduction to American Cultural Studies
LET-GESB111-CEH Introduction to Comparative European History 1 = FULL
LET-GESB112-CEH Introduction to Comparative European History 2 = FULL
LET-RTCBF119 La boîte à outils du français
LET-RTCBF107 La France au XXIe siècle
LET-CIWB157-IBC Language and Communication
LET-RTCBF111 Langue, culture et société
LET-RTCBS206 Lengua, Cultura y Sociedad
LET-NTCB141 Literaire analyse
LET-RTCBF210 Littérature et révolution (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)
LET-DTCB110 Lyrik, Poesie, Poetry
LET-CIWB153-IBC Marketing Communication = FULL
LET-ETCAMB201 Mediating "America" = FULL
LET-NTCB214 Middeleeuwse auteurs als entertainers en moraalridders
LET-NTCB128 Middelnederlands en Vroegnieuwnederlands
LET-NTCB139 Moedertaalverwerving
LET-TWB320 Pragmatiek
LET-RTCBS119 Revolt and Revolution in Spanish America
LET-NTCB129 Semantiek en Morfologie
LET-DTCB107 Sprachpraxis Deutsch
LET-DTCB104 Sprachwissenschaft 2: Syntax und Textlinguistik
LET-NTCB302 Statistiek
LET-RTCBS217 Struggles of identity in the Hispanic world
LET-NTCB130 Taal, Communicatie en Media
LET-NTCB232 Taal in Actie: Discourse-analyse
LET-TWB249 Taalontwikkelingsstoornissen

The Challenges of Political Leadership: Comparing the US and the Netherlands


The Dutch Global Age

LET-LETMI-DLCC03 The Dutch Identity
LET-LETMI-DLCC02 The Dutch Language
LET-GESB3202-CEH Thematic Seminar Cities in motion: infrastructures and experiences of urban mobility (Europe, 1800-1970)
LET-RTCBF214 Théories et méthodes
LET-DTCB209 Unterhaltungsformen populärer Kultur
LET-ACWB302 Visual Culture
LET-DTCB202 Wissenschaftliches Schreiben und Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch

Bachelor Semester 2

Course code Course name
LET-RTCBF209 Acquisition et apprentissage
LET-ETCAMB217 American and British Popular Culture = FULL
LET-ETCAMB104 American History and Politics II
LET-NTCB138 Argumentatie, retorica en politiek debat
LET-GESB965 Banished, deported, sold: Forced migrations in global history. 1600-present
LET-ETCENB205 Beyond Britishness: the Construction of Identities in Literature and Culture = FULL
LET-ETCENB107 British Literature and Culture of the 19th and 20th Century
LET-RTCBF115 Compétences langagières avancées 1
LET-RTCBF116 Compétences langagières avancées 2
LET-RTCBS214 Crossing Borders in the Hispanic World
LET-ACWB107 Cultural Theory = FULL
LET-NTCB144 De canon van de Nederlandse literatuur van 1800 tot heden
LET-LETMI-DLCC01 Dutch (Business) Culture and Labour Market
LET-RTCBF117 Écriture scientifique
LET-RTCBS218-A El cuento hispánico
LET-ETCENB104 English From Old to New
LET-GESB2108-CEH Environmental History = FULL
LET-RTCBS117 Español 3
LET-RTCBS118 Español 4
LET-RTCBS216 Español 6
LET-GESB966 Family Life under Imperial Rule. Everyday Histories of Colonialism, 1650-1950
LET-DTCB213 Forschungsmethoden
LET-ACWB110-ACS Gender and the Arts = FULL
LET-DTCB108B Geschichte der Deutschen Literatur
LET-TWB228 Het leren en onderwijzen van Nederlands als tweede taal
LET-RTCBF106 Histoire de la culture française 2: Du Romantisme à nos jours
LET-NTCB250 Historisch en modern letterkundig onderzoek
LET-GESB926 History of International organisations
LET-ACWB103 History of the Western Arts 3: 1850-1940
LET-ACWB104 History of the Western Arts 4: 1940 - Present
LET-ETCENB217 I Made the Devil do it: Conjuring Spirits in Late Medieval England
LET-CIWB158-IBC Information Science
LET-ACWB100 Inleiding Literatuurwetenschap
LET-TWB134 Inleiding taal- en spraakpathologie
LET-CIWB152-IBC Intercultural Communication
LET-GLTCB113 Klassieke mythologie in tekst en beeld
LET-NTCB223 Kwantitatieve Methoden
LET-CIWER803 Language and Thought
LET-ETCENB215 Language Change
LET-CIWB264-IBC Language Management in International Organisations
LET-NTCB215 Literatuur en engagement in Verlichting en Romantiek
LET-RTCBF211 Littérature et avant-garde (XXe-XXIe siècle)
LET-ETCAMB205 Modern and Contemporary North American Literature
LET-RTCBS221 Moving Documentaries
LET-CIWB151-IBC Organisation and Management
LET-ACWB704 Organizing the creative industries = FULL
LET-RTCBS222 Paisaje y cambio climático en el mundo hispánico
LET-KGB704 Perspectives on Photography: History and Theory
LET-GESB110-CEH Philosophy of History = FULL
LET-NTCB251 Publieksgericht schrijven
LET-NTCB216 Realisme en secularisering in de 19de eeuwse literatuur
LET-ETCAMB212 Research Seminar: Identity and Cultural Diversity
LET-ETCENB203 Screening the Novel = FULL
LET-TWB116 Semantiek
LET-NTCB129 Semantiek en Morfologie
LET-RTCBF216-A Séminaire de recherche
LET-CIWER802 Social Media and new media
LET-DTCB103 Sprachwissenschaft 1: Phonetik und Phonologie
LET-ETCAMB107 Survey American Literature
LET-ETCENB103 Syntax 1
LET-ETCENB210 Syntax 2
LET-NTCB222 Taalverandering in context
LET-RTCBS104 Teoría y práctica de la investigación
LET-GESB932 The Byzantine and Islamic Worlds in the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
LET-LETMI-DLCC03 The Dutch Identity
LET-LETMI-DLCC02 The Dutch Language
LET-RTCBF217 The migrant novel in French
LET-GESB2203-CEH Thematic Seminar Changing answers to the "social question" 1870-1940
LET-GESB2202-CEH Thematic Seminar Demonic power, possession, witchcraft and exorcism in late medieval and renaissance demonology = FULL
LET-GESB2218 Thematic Seminar Everyday colonial life on the fringe of empire. The Spanish Philippines, 1600-1700
LET-GESB2220 Thematic Seminar Slavery and Society in the Roman World
LET-RTCBF215 Traduction F-N
LET-ETCAMB206 United States Foreign Relations
LET-TWB133 Van woord tot zin
LET-RTCBS114 Variedades del español
LET-RTCBF218 Vertalen in een bestuurlijke context
LET-ACWB203 Vulgar Culture = FULL
LET-DTCB205 Wendepunkte der deutschen Geschichte
LET-ACWB705 Working through fashion = FULL
LET-NTCB251-ENG Writing for non-specialist audiences

Master Semester 1

Course code Course name
LET-NAS414 American Culture in a Global Context: Imagining America in text, image and music
LET-TWM604 Cognitieve communicatiestoornissen ten gevolge van verworven hersenletsel
LET-ACWME0000 Core Course Creative Industries
LET-ACWME0004 Creativity and Arts Education
LET-ACWME0013 Cultural Sustainability
LET-NAS417 Current issues in Transatlantic relations: Power, Principles and Protest
LET-ES1403 Das deutsch-niederländische Verhältnis in Politik und Gesellschaft
LET-ES1404 Deutsch-Niederländische Verflechtung in der Praxis
LET-LETKM006 Divination and the Mantic Arts: Predicting the Future in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
LET-GESM4301 Historiography and Theory: Culture, Memory and Cultural Memory
LET-ES1407 Interkulturelle Kommunikation und interkulturelles Management
LET-GLTCOHS101 Klassieke Traditie 1 (Agamemnon)
LET-TWM410 Linguistic Universals and Diversity
LET-CIWM438 Managing Diversity in Communication
LET-ES1107 Mündliche Sprachkompetenz
LET-NAS413 Practices of Transatlantic Studies
LET-REMA-LC1904 Python
LET-GESM4309 Research Seminar Curing and curating crises: A transhistorical perspective
LET-GLTCOHS106 Specialisatiecollege Griekse en Romeinse archeologie
LET-ACWME0012 Sustainable creativity
LET-NAS416 The Foundations of Transatlantic Relations: Domestic Politics and International Relations
LET-NAS415 The Red and Black Atlantic: Transatlantic Constructs of Race, Culture, and Identity
LET-NAS412 Theories of Transatlantic Studies
LET-GLTCOHS108 Veldwerkstage Klassieke archeologie
LET-TWM605 Verdieping taalstoornissen
LET-ACWME0014 Working in the Creative Industries

Master Semester 2