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KCW pre-master short Creative Industries WO 30 (September start)

LET-P-KCW-CIS22 - KCW pre-master short Creative Industries WO 30
For students with a Bachelor of Arts from a Research University.

Cursus naam Code 1 2 3 4 EC
Image, Music and Text Analysis LET-ACWB105-ACS X X 10
European Culture LET-ACWB108 X X 5
Visual Culture LET-ACWB302 X 5
City Culture LET-ACWB301 X 5
Culture through Philosophy: a decolonial perspective LET-ACWB210-ACS X X 5
Totaal 30

These are preliminary programme outlines for the academic year 2022-2023.
Pre-Master's programmes are subject to change.