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Course guides
Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, 2022-2023
Student portal
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Information 2022-2023
Off to a good start
Off to a good start
Laptop Requirements
Bachelor PPS
Bachelor PPS
Programme first year PPS
Programme second year PPS
Programme third year PPS
Access to PPS courses
Binding Study Advice first year
Master Theology three years 180 EC
Master Theology three years 180 EC
General information
General information
Admission, objectives and Career service
Programme overview
Structure of the curriculum
Specialisation Biblical Exegesis
Specialisation History of Church and Theology
Specialisation Practical Theology
Specialisation Systematic Theology
Master Theology: year 3
Master Theology: year 3
Professional specialisations
Professional specialisation: Academic Research (English)
Professional Specialisation: Religion and Policy (Dutch)
Professional Specialisation: Spiritual Care (Dutch)
Teaching course religious studies/life orientation (in Dutch)
Elective courses master Theology 3 year
Master thesis and exam
Master thesis and exam
Master thesis
Master's degree
Courses Noster
Master's specialisation in Theology one year 60 EC
Master's specialisation in Theology one year 60 EC
Structure of the curriculum
Specialisation Biblical Exegesis
Specialisation Christian Spirituality
Specialisation Church History
Specialisation Practical Theology
Specialisation Systematic Theology
Overview: elective courses master Theology one year
Research master Philosophy
Research master Philosophy
Admission criteria
Scolarships for the research master
Short description of the programme
Course work
Structure of the curriculum
Programme 2022-2023
Programme coordinator
Research and master seminars at other Dutch universities
Student Representatives
Master thesis and exam
Master thesis and exam
Examination and degree ceremony
Graduation procedure and thesis defense
Master's specialisation PPS
Course catalogue
Course catalogue
Bachelor language courses
Bachelor courses and modules
Master Theology and Religious Studies Courses
Master Philosophy Courses
Courses and modules 2023-2024
Requests and forms
Requests and forms
Request exemption from a course
Request extra examination
Request exemption form a minor
Request elective minor
Request approval modification bachelor programme
Approval / change Master programme
Other request Philosophy/PPS
Other request Theology / Religious Studies
Request enrolment Master's education
Student Information Point (STIP)
Student Information Point (STIP)
Frequently Asked Questions
Staff members
Flowchart - where to go with your question
International Office PTRS
International office Radboud University
Student Advisors
Examining Board
Confidential adviser
Student associations
Student Participation
Student Participation
Faculty Student Council (FSR)
Student-staff committees
Career Service PTRS
Visiting address and postal address
Feedback, complaints, and objections PTRS
About your study
About your study
Registering for courses and exams
Education and Examination Regulations
During your studies
Practical information about digital systems
Guides, manuals and instructions
Bachelor's thesis, degree and graduation
Master's thesis, degree, graduation
Master's thesis, degree, graduation
Step-By-Step Plan for Master's Thesis, Defence, and Diploma Application
Procedure master thesis
Master's diploma
Course guide PTRS
Information 2022-2023
Off to a good start
Bachelor PPS
Course catalogue
Requests and forms
About your study