Information 2022-2023
- In-person education for all years and groups
- Exams on campus
- Second semester 2022-2023
- Regular mandatory attendance
- Relaxed entry requirements to Master's degree
- Digital Assessment
- No generic scheme for delayed students
In-person education for all years and groups
We are switching back to in-person education. This means that there will be no more hybrid education. Lectures will also no longer be streamed live or recorded via weblectures. Exceptions are the lectures of the premaster Philosophy and Religious Studies of which weblectures will be made available.
Do you have corona or other limitations/circumstances that make it impossible for you to attend lectures for a longer period of time? Do not approach your lecturer yourself but report these exceptional circumstances to the student advisor or student counsellor. They will provide you with personalised advice or arrangements.
Exams on campus
Exams will also all take place on campus.
Second semester 2022-2023
To give students more time to prepare for the resits of period 4/semester 2 in the academic year 2022-2023, the faculty has slightly adjusted the academic calendar for FFTR in the second semester.
- In the B1, the exams of period 4 will start a week earlier (week 23, 5-9 June).
- For B2, B3 and (pre)Master courses the lectures of period 3 will start a week earlier (week 14, 3-7 April).
The new academic calendar will be included in the 2022-2023 study guide which is published in early July.
Regular mandatory attendance
The regular mandatory attendance of 80% for work groups and practicums will return (in accordance with the Education and Examination Regulations (EER), article 10, paragraph 4). So, check carefully how many lectures you are allowed to miss to be able to complete the course.
Relaxed entry requirements to Master's degree
The special arrangement with relaxed admission requirements to the Master's for Bachelor students no longer applies to the coming academic year. The exceptional regulations already included in the EER regarding progression from Bachelor's to Master's remain in place. This means that you must have obtained at least 160 EC of your Bachelor's degree and have completed your Bachelor's thesis. For earlier admission to the Master's programme, please submit a request to the Examining Board (see the study guide).
For pre-master students, to enter the Master's education you may have one course open of no more than 5 EC, with the exception of the skills courses. You also have to have completed your pre-master's before 1-9-2023.
Digital assessment
In the academic year 2022-2023 we will expand digital assessment. In this academic year, the courses of the pre-master Philosophy and Religious Studies will be assessed digitally and anonymously as much as possible. For more information:
No generic scheme for delayed students
Have you been delayed in your studies? Make a new study plan via the student advisor. For any individual exceptions, please contact the Examining Board.