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Individual courses

It is possible to do individual courses as elective components. Examples of these courses may be:

  • (Self study) preparation for another course, for example entrance requirements for Laboratory Animal Science course.
  • Write an article for a peer-reviewed journal: Research Training Period 1 is concluded with a standard report as usual.  Extra time can be used to write an article that is submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. The submitted article is assessed and the writing process should be evaluated and coupled to specific learning objectives.
  • Writing a grant application for a PhD studentship(for example Radboudumc PhD proposal, RIMLS Graduate School programme; or a Mozaiek grant).
  • Open online course (MOOC) to acquire theoretical and/or practical skills. For example programming in R or Adobe Illustrator. Note, a Radboudumc examiner needs to assess if you reached the intended learning objectives of the MOOC.

All individual courses need to be described in the study plan and approved by the Board of Examiners before start of the course.

You will need to find and confirm a teacher who can be the Examiner of the individual component. Additionally, the Board of Examiners can appoint an external assessor of your individual study component.

The description of the individual component needs the following information. The form for applying for an individual subject can be found on the MMD student community Brightspace. This description needs to be signed by the prospect Examiner and contains the following information:

  • Brief content description (title/learning objectives/methods)
  • Course level (to be confirmed by the teacher involved)
  • Time investment (in EC, as indicated in prospectus/course catalogue)
  • Means of examination
  • Address of the university or institute and teacher(s) involved