General information Internships
General information Internships
Introduction research training periods
Research Training Periods are an important part of the programme. During these periods, both theoretical knowledge and insight, as well as practical skills are combined and students are prepared for a scientific career. The student will be supported by her/his supervisor in forming a critical analysis and applying an integrated approach to problem solving, thus also improving learning skills.
In the student community on Brightspace full guidelines for the research internships (organisation, assessment and report) are available.
Supervision & guidance during the research training periods
Practical research will be guided closely by the research training period supervisor or daily supervisor (definitions below) during the first two weeks of each practical research project. After these two weeks, the student will be expected to conduct his/her research experiments in an independent fashion. Consultation should be possible at least once every two days with the research training period supervisor or daily supervisor on day-to-day progress and consultation with the mentor is possible all through the project should problems arise. Suggestions will be given by the immediate supervisor to further progress of the research project if requested. The student will however be encouraged to use own initiative based on acquired knowledge to proceed.
The following people are involved in supervision and assessment of the research training periods:
- Research Training Period supervisor
The Research Training Period supervisor is a Principal Investigator (PI) (scientist appointed by Radboudumc or RU – and affiliated with RIMLS as assistant professor, associate professor or professor);. He/she provides the means, both material and intellectual, to enable the student to carry out his/her research project. In particular, regular meetings are arranged with the research training period supervisor to discuss progress. Also the supervisor will support the student, by giving feedback and asking the student to reflect, on their progress in achieving the end/final qualifications that are to be expressed in the thesis. Students are responsible for finding research training period supervisors. Information on PI's of the Radboudumc can be found on Brightspace and the Radboudumc website.
- Daily supervisor
The daily supervision of a research training period may be done by the daily supervisor (if different from internship supervisor). A daily supervisor may be a senior PhD student or a postdoc.
- External assessor
Each report of a research training period is assessed by an external assessor from the Radboudumc. He/she is a PI from (a different department of) the Radboudumc, who is sufficiently knowledgeable to assess the research training period. Students will be assigned an external assessor by the Board of Examiners.
Mid-term internship evaluation
In order to stimulate reflection and give students the opportunity to discuss their progress with the Internship Supervisor and Daily Supervisor, two months after start of the internship a mid-term internship evaluation can be held. Forms to guide this discussion are available on Brightspace.
Deadlines / Timing
Students need to hand in their final version of the report for assessment to the Supervisor and External Assessor within six weeks after the research training period was completed. Please arrange in time with the Research Training Period Supervisor and External Assessor when they will assess the report.
The mark of research training period 2 should be registered before 15 August to graduate on 31 August. Students need to hand in their final version of the report for assessment to the Supervisor and External Assessor within six weeks after the research training period was completed. Please arrange in time with the Supervisor and External Assessor when they will assess the report.
Application and assessment of research training periods is to be handled via Osiris Case (see Guidelines internship available via Brightspace).