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Welcome to the Research Master's programme Molecular Mechanisms of Disease.

This two-year programme has been designed as a top Research Master's programme for students who aspire to become scientists in Molecular Life Sciences related to disease, particularly in Cell Biology, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Medicine, and Translational Research. The programme is part of the RIMLS Graduate School.

The MMD Master's programme has been established by the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS) together with the Academic Educational Institute (Radboud Health Academy) within the Radboud university medical center (Radboudumc). The composition of research groups within the RIMLS reflects the long-term collaboration between the Faculty of Medical Sciences (Radboudumc) and the Faculty of Science (FNWI) at the Radboud University.

The MMD programme is organised along three major educational themes which reflect the main research areas present in the RIMLS research themes with both, a fundamental and a disease-related aspect:

  • Theme 1: Immunity, Infection and Inflammation / Immunity related disorders and immunotherapy
  • Theme 2: Metabolism, Transport and Motion/Metabolic Disorders
  • Theme 3: Cell Growth and Differentiation / Developmental Disorders and Malignancies

Students follow a programme composed of theoretical and practical components. Students are also able to make use of certain components of other Master's and PhD programmes within the Radboud University and courses in other Dutch or international Universities (Elective Courses).

Throughout the programme, fundamental science is linked with translational research in the treatment of diseases such as autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, renal disease, neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic disorders, microbial infection (including malarial infections) and cancer. The link between fundamental science, technology and disease is also enforced through the technology platforms at the institute which are at the forefront of European research, such as genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and molecular imaging.

Next to these subject-oriented activities, students are trained intensively in presenting of scientific data, reading and writing of scientific articles, preparation of research proposals and self-reflection for career planning. Also bioinformatics and computational biology skills are developed in several dedicated courses in the programme. Therefore, over the two-year programme, students are well-prepared for a scientific career within the Molecular Life Sciences, particularly in the fields of Cell Biology, Molecular Genetics, Molecular Medicine, and Translational research.

Each year of the two-year MMD Master's programme is worth 60 EC points, where 1 EC point is 28 hours of study. See the ‘Education and Examination Regulations' (OER) and the ‘Rules and Guidelines for Examinations' for further details. An overview of the courses can be found here.

Examination and Education Regulations

The legal setting of the programme is described in the Examination and Education Regulations (OER). For each student, the programme described in the OER of the starting year is valid. In addition, the document "Rules and Guidelines" of the Board of Examiners contains more specific information about the programme. The "Rules and Guidelines" are published together with the OER, but may in exceptional cases be amended during the year.

The "Education and Examination Regulations" and "Rules and Guidelines" can be found here: https://www.radboudumc.nl/en/education/courses/masters-in-molecular-mechanisms-of-disease/for-all-masters-students/examinations-and-regulations