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Faculty of Medical Sciences, 2022-2023
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Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 2022-2023
Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 2022-2023
Programme objectives
Study programme
Study programme
MMD educational themes
MMD educational themes
Theme 1: Immunity, Infection and Information
Theme 2: Metabolism, Transport and Motion/ Metabolic Disorders
Theme 3: Cell growth and differentiation / Developmental Disorders and Malignancies
Individual programme and study plan
Educational components
Mentor system
List of MMD courses
List of MMD courses
Introduction to Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (MED-MMIC)
Excellence in communication (MED-MMEC)
Core fundamental Metabolism, Transport and Motion (MED-MM2CFA)
Metabolic Disorders (MED-MM2TR)
Cell Growth and differentiation (MED-MM3CFB)
Developmental Disorders and Malignancies (MED-MM3TR)
Immunity, infection and inflammation (MED-MM1CFA)
Immunity-related Disorders and Immunotherapy (MED-MM1TR)
Masterclass 2 (MED-MM2MC)
Scientific Skills (MED-MMSKB)
Masterclass 1 (MED-MM1MC)
Science and Society (MED-MMSS)
Omics data analysis and interpretation (MED-MMSTA)
Understanding basic statistics using R (MED-MMBS)
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (MED-MMCBB)
Research training period 1 (MED-MMP1C)
Research training period 2 – 27 weeks (MED-MMP2A)
Research training period 2 – 31 weeks (MED-MMP2B1)
Literature thesis (MED-MMLT)
Knowledge transfer (MED-MMKT)
Mentoring (MED-MMCOA1)
Elective courses possibilities
Elective courses possibilities
Guidelines elective components
Individual courses
Elective module Laboratory Animal Science
Literature Thesis
General information Internships
Research Training Period 1
Research Training Period 1
Guidelines Period 1: report and assessment
Research Training Period 2
Research Training Period 2
Guidelines Period 2: report and assessment
Entrance knowledge requirements
Core textbooks and study supplies
General procedures
General procedures
Infection prevention and vaccination
My Timetable
My Timetable
Finding your schedule in My Timetable
Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
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Students' participation
Studying abroad
Academic Advisor
Students' Information Point (StIP)
Contact addresses MMD programme
Overview information sources
Biomedical Sciences 2022-2023
Biomedical Sciences 2022-2023
About this prospectus
Introduction to BMS @ Radboudumc
Design your Master's programme
Design your Master's programme
How to design your programme
Choose a specialisation
Choose a profile
Choose a profile
Communication profile
Consultancy profile
Research profile
List of BMS courses 2022/2023
List of BMS courses 2022/2023
BMS01: Thinking critically about science
BMS02: Management skills for a consultant
BMS03: Policy research
BMS04: Policy making, health systems and public management in health care
BMS05: Participatory approaches to innovation
BMS06: Science popularisation
BMS07: Science, communication and society
BMS08: Qualitative research
BMS09: Science presentation and visualisation
BMS10: Laboratory Animal Science
BMS12: Research with ionising radiation
BMS13: Matlab programming for data-acquisition and -analysis
BMS14: Design and analysis of experiments
BMS15: Big data in biomedical research
BMS16: Causal inference in observational research
BMS17: Hands-on: genome association analysis
BMS18: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
BMS19: Vision: From molecule to perception and treatment
BMS21: Neurodevelopmental disorders: bench to bedside
BMS22: Vanishing boundaries between neurodevelopmental disorders
BMS23: Biomedical imaging: seeing is understanding
BMS24: Introduction to Neuroimaging I: Conceptual basics and anatomy
BMS25: Introduction to Neuroimaging II: Functional Imaging
BMS26: Neuroscience of sleep
BMS27: Higher order cognition and emotion
BMS28: Stress-related disorders
BMS29: Neurobiology of stress
BMS30: Animal models for psychiatric and neurological disorders
BMS31: OMICS data analysis for systems biology
BMS32: Molecular and cellular neuroscience
BMS33: Neural stem cells to model neurological disorders
BMS34: Reconstructive and regenerative medicine
BMS37: Live and let die
BMS38: Biomarkers: let's get personal
BMS39: Understanding proteins in 3D
BMS40: Nanomedicine
BMS41: Advanced models of human disease
BMS42: Targeting cellular processes to treat disease
BMS43: Development of disease therapies: from target to therapy
BMS44: Mitochondrialdisease drug development
BMS46: Healthy versus Neurodegenerative brain aging
BMS47: Biomarkers in population-based research
BMS48: Clinical trials
BMS49: Movement science in Rehabilitation
BMS50: Neural control of movement
BMS51: Sensorimotor control
BMS52: Disorders of movement
BMS53: Orthopaedic Biomechanics in Motion
BMS54: Applied Exercise physiology
BMS55: From vascular function to vascular failure
BMS56: Health outcome measurement
BMS57: Health care improvement science
BMS58: Cost-effectiveness analysis
BMS59: Prediction models and machine learning
BMS60: Human Risk assessment
BMS61: Statistical modeling in observational research
BMS62: Advanced modelling in economic evaluation
BMS63: Biodynamic and toxicokinetic modeling
BMS64: Molecular and cellular toxicology
BMS65: Clinical toxicology
BMS66: Reproductive Epidemiology and Toxicology
BMS67: Chemical mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
BMS68: Innovative research in urological cancers
BMS69: Tumors of the digestive tract
BMS71: Women's cancers
BMS72: Cancer development and immune defense
BMS74: Inflammatory diseases
BMS75: Advanced tools in molecular biology
BMS76: Cell movements
BMS77: Design of applied medical research
BMS78: Modern methods of data collection
BMS81: Applied medical research and society
BMS82: Matlab for Signal Analysis
BMS84:Longitudinal and multilevel analysis
BMS85:Big data in biomedical sciences
BMS86: Introduction to health technology assessment
BMS87: Applied infectious disease epidemiology
BMS88: Advanced Immunology
BMS89: Moving Science - using film in science communication
General Information BMS internships
Assessment of internships
Communication profile internship
Consultancy profile internship
Research internship
Infection prevention & vaccination
Literature thesis
Research integrity rounds
Advice and counseling
More information and links
More information and links
Study supplies
Educational Management Team (OMT)
Programme Committee
Executive Committee
Board of Examiners
Student Support
Prospectus Faculty of Medical Sciences
Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 2022-2023
List of MMD courses
Omics data analysis and interpretation ...
Omics data analysis and interpretation (MED-MMSTA)
Molecular Mechanisms of Disease 2022-2023
Study programme
List of MMD courses
Introduction to Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (MED-MMIC)
Excellence in communication (MED-MMEC)
Core fundamental Metabolism, Transport and Motion (MED-MM2CFA)
Metabolic Disorders (MED-MM2TR)
Cell Growth and differentiation (MED-MM3CFB)
Developmental Disorders and Malignancies (MED-MM3TR)
Immunity, infection and inflammation (MED-MM1CFA)
Immunity-related Disorders and Immunotherapy (MED-MM1TR)
Masterclass 2 (MED-MM2MC)
Scientific Skills (MED-MMSKB)
Masterclass 1 (MED-MM1MC)
Science and Society (MED-MMSS)
Omics data analysis and interpretation (MED-MMSTA)
Understanding basic statistics using R (MED-MMBS)
Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (MED-MMCBB)
Research training period 1 (MED-MMP1C)
Research training period 2 – 27 weeks (MED-MMP2A)
Research training period 2 – 31 weeks (MED-MMP2B1)
Literature thesis (MED-MMLT)
Knowledge transfer (MED-MMKT)
Mentoring (MED-MMCOA1)
Elective courses possibilities
Literature Thesis