General guide to the Bachelor's degree
The programme of the Biology bachelor is a two phase system, which consists of a general phase and a differentiation phase. The general phase is 1.5 years and is defined as a broad orientation phase. It comprises almost all elements from the Biology field, namely microorganisms, plants and animals, molecular and cellular courses, ecology and environmental courses, and human oriented courses. Also academic and basic skills such as writing, presenting, statistics, mathematics and bioinformatics are a part of the bachelor programme.
In the following 1.5 years, the so called differentiation phase, you can choose courses according to your interests. For this purpose, seven learning trajectories were developed. The trajectories are: Ecology (Ec), Microbiology (Mb), Physiology and Adaptation (PA), Man and the Environment (ME), Human Biology (HB), Functional Genomics (FG), and Neurobiology (Nb). All learning trajectories have courses in the first 1.5 years that may be used to decide which trajectory fits the interests best. However, it is still possible to choose courses that do not specifically belong to the chosen trajectory to (further) broaden one’s own horizon. In addition to learning trajectories it is also possible to follow a (interdisciplinary) minor of 15-30 ECTS. All of the minors at our faculty can be found here.
When considering which courses to take in the differentiation phase, it is wise to take into account that master specialisation programmes, minors and learning trajectories complement each other. Thus, some learning trajectories and minors will not automatically grant access to the master programme (Medical) Biology.
The final part of the bachelor programme is a scientific internship of 12 ECTS at a research department of choice or even at a company. After finishing the full 180 ECTS, the grade 'Bachelor of Science'(BSc) will be obtained.