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Honours Programme

The Radboud Honours Academy offers one- and two-year Honours programmes, that give motivated students the opportunity to further their academic development. The programmes offer additional challenges to the regular degree programme. As a Bachelor’s student from the Faculty of Science, you have two options: the two-year Honours programme of Science, or the one-year university-wide interdisciplinary Honours programme Building Bridges.

Honours Programme Science

Would you like to broaden your mind and to deepen your knowledge of the natural sciences? Then the Honours programme of the Faculty of Science may be something for you. The Honours programme of Science gets you involved with cutting-edge research during the Bachelor’s phase of your education. Please visit the website if you want to know more on the structure and content of the programmes, registration and selection procedures.

University-wide, interdisciplinary Honours programme

Would you like to join students from different faculties working on actual societal themes, such as climate change, future-proof health, or populism? Then the university-wide Honours programme Building Bridges might be a good choice for you! In this one-year programme, you will learn to look beyond the boundaries of your own academic discipline. For more information we refer to the programme website. There is also the possibility to follow an interdisciplinary 6-months Honours programme in the second semester of the first year. More information can be found here.


For more information, students can contact the programme coordinator of the Faculty of Science honours programme, Juriaan Metz (Tel.: 024-3652310; E-mail: j.metz@science.ru.nl).