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Our Bachelor’s programmes contain a portfolio (in the course NWI-IBI010 Reflection and Vocational Orientation), in which a student collects certain information and reflections about their experiences during their studies. Examples of this are (previously defined) assignments, reflections on one’s attitude towards one’s study, results, products that illustrate a certain skill, reports of mandatory lectures or excursions, etc. The exact content of the portfolio is determined at the beginning of each year and updated if needed.

At the start of the academic year, the new first-year students receive additional guidelines about the set-up of the portfolio. This information is provided by  the mentors in mentor meetings and by the course coordinator of the portfolio in the Brightspace environment and/or meetings.

The aim of the portfolio is threefold:

  • To stimulate reflection, so students become more aware of their own work and attitude, learn to make choices, and to substantiate these choices.
  • To check and assess the general academic skills that are offered throughout the Bachelor’s programme or are integrated in other courses.
  • To facilitate and improve conscious study behaviour and progress in the Bachelor’s programme.

In the first year, the portfolio is linked to the mentoring system, in which small groups of students are linked to a staff member who acts as mentor for this group. Together they meet regularly.
In these mentor meetings, the focus is on the general aspects regarding study skills (gaining insight in one’s own study behaviour and how to adapt this to study more efficiently) but also on more topical, study-related aspects (for example, how can you approach the programming assignment that you’re struggling with?). In  this context, the portfolio can also contain assignments.

Other contributions will result from (academic) lectures that a student attended or visits to companies that are in one way or another relevant to the context of the programme.

The portfolio is a mandatory part of the Bachelor’s programme and is checked at the end of each semester by the lecturer involved (for the course-specific assignments), the mentor or the course coordinator. A student can only apply for their Bachelor’s degree if the portfolio for all specific parts has been checked. If needed, the portfolio can also form the basis for a conversation with the student advisor.