Internship Forms
Evaluation of your internship will take place digitally. Your examiner (first supervisor) will get the evaluation forms automatically as soon as you have uploaded your thesis via thesis submission (SPIB). The forms below can be used to get an idea of what you will be evaluated on.
Guide for MSc research internships (pdf, 278 kB) |
Guide for supervisors biology internships (pdf, 1,1 MB) |
Guidelines for written reports (pdf, 910 kB) |
Template_internship_proposal (docx, 21 kB) |
Grading form research internship (pdf, 192 kB) |
Link to an example of the online evaluation survey |
Note: The form below is only for external internships and meant for archiving the agreement between you and the external internship provider. You still need to create a Case in Osiris to have your internship approved by your internship-coordinator. Please see also this page. Internship Agreement Form external internships (pdf, 425 kB) |