Programme of Microbiology
The Master's specialisation in Microbiology consists of:
- 18 EC mandatory courses:
- NWI-BM069 Introduction and Orientation in Microbiology (3EC)
- NWI-BM063 Microbial Physiology & Metabolism (3EC)
- NWI-BM068 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology (3EC)
- NWI-BM065 Microbial Cell Structure & Function (3EC)
- NWI-BM067 Host-microbe Interactions (3EC)
- NWI-BM070 Medical Microbiology (3 EC)
- 6 EC Review Article (NWI-BM-REVIEWART)
- 6 EC Research Proposal (NWI-BM-RESPROP)
Either Review article or Research proposal can be replaced by either Field Course Alpine Ecology (NWI-BM040B) or by Field Course Ireland (NWI-BM048B)
(NB: both field courses are offered in alternating years)
- 2 internships, 72 EC in total:
- NWI-BM-STAGE1 (1x 36EC)
- NWI-BM-STAGE2 (1x 36EC)
- 12 EC Limited choice electives
- 9EC natural science courses or extension of one internship (6 EC max.)
Choose at least one course from the EER ( The remaining EC should be filled with academic courses within the field of natural sciences. If you want more information on a course, check out the course description via the course finder. - 3 ECPhilosophy course, see the EER ( under Limited Choice Electives.
- 9EC natural science courses or extension of one internship (6 EC max.)
- 6 EC Free electives e.g. NWI-FNWI002 Scientific English
- 0 EC NWI-BM054B Master Portfolio Biosciences
For a visual overview of the Master's programme click here