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Finishing the internship

The results of your internship have to be reported in a report and presented. Start writing your report as early as possible; the easiest is to start with the introduction and subsequently material and method section. Your report should be written individually in one of the two formats: 1) a report format or 2) an article format commonly used for scientific papers in your field. In principle your report should contain:

  1. A summary;
  2. An introduction;
  3. A materials and methods section;
  4. A results section;
  5. A discussion section;
  6. A literature list.

Always discuss the format of your report with your supervisor. In principle, you have to write a first version of the report and a revised (second) version. This second version is usually the final version of your report and needs to be uploaded to Osiris after starting a new Osiris Case. (Please contact edu.coord-science@ru.nl if something went wrong with your upload).
Instructions can be found here.

At the end of your internship, you should present your findings to your research group. The supervisor should tell the student which format to use and should reflect your report.  For background information regarding the report and presentation see https://www.ru.nl/courseguides/science/bachelor/bachelor-biology-0/general-information/skills-guidelines-rubrics/.


Your report will be graded by your first and second assessor (approved examiners, see here), and your presentation will be graded by your first assessor and optional your second assessor. Grading of your internship is done digitally using an online survey. Upon submission of your final report in thesissubmission, your first assessor will receive four emails from the ‘Onderwijscentrum FNWI’ within 24-48 hours:

  1. Mail ‘SPIB {Student’s name}: Evaluation process 1 – Start Grading Internship’ contains general information and an overview.
  2. Mail ‘SPIB {Student’s name}: Evaluation process 2 – Documents’ contains the final report (PDF), testimonial and a plagiarism check of the student’s final report.
  3. Mail ‘SPIB {Student’s name}: Evaluation process 3 – Link evaluation form examiner’ refers to a survey-link for the examiner to evaluate the students internship, report and presentation.
  4. Mail ‘SPIB {Student’s name}: Evaluation process 4 – Link evaluation form second reader’ refers to a survey-link for the second reader to evaluate the students report and presentation (optional). The examiner will forward the correct online assessment forms to the second reader.

The grading form and test-link to online evaluation survey are also available in Forms.