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Transition rules

Students started in the academic year 2020-21 and earlier, can replace the new courses with the old course as shown in the table below:

New courses Old courses

NWI-FMT030 reaching the SDGs (6 EC)

NWI-FMT024 Policy and economics (3EC)

NWI-FMT006A entrepreneurship (3 EC)

NWI-FMT030 reaching the SDGs (6 EC)

NWI-FMT006A entrepreneurship (3EC)

NWI-FC0043B Science and Public Policy (3EC)

NWI-FMT032 Environmental life cycle assessment (6 EC)

NWI-MM020A Environmental life cycle assessment (3 EC)

Free choice (3 EC)

If you have questions about the transition rules you can contact the SMI coordinator (SMIcoordinator@fnwi.ru.nl)